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In the 1980s and early ’90s, a new youth wave hit northern Italy. The movement was underscored by something referred to as “Afro/cosmic” music, a blend of synthesized disco sounds and African-inspired dance beats that swept through the nightclubs of small towns like Brescia, Bologna, and Verona.

Migrants sit on green plastic chairs in a soundless waiting room. Volunteers call them over, one by one. On a coffee table, Italy's populist politicians look up from the front page of an unread newspaper.

Debt of Italian state agency Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) is taking a hammering on a par with that suffered by Italy’s government bonds on fears the incoming government will use it as a vehicle to fund a borrowing binge.

From congenial laid-back bars with views of the water to trendy terraces accompanied by sumptuous cocktails, find the best spot for an evening tipple with Telegraph Travel's Italian Lakes expert, Kiki Deere.

In those last, fretful minutes in Rome, when every second felt like an age and the final whistle seemed as though it would never come, Liverpool’s fans sang to stave off the nerves.

Two people were killed and 18 others injured when a regional train collidedwith a truck in northern Italy on Wednesday, Reuters reports.

The Italian Lakes hosts a myriad of exciting events throughout the year. From an archaic car and motorcycle competition held in the beautiful parkland of Villa d'Este, to glorious wine festivals, Telegraph Travel expert, Kiki Deere outlines her favourites.

EU leaders and investors can now worry about a dysfunctional populist government in Rome

Archaeologists excavating an unexplored part of Italy's volcanic ash-covered city of Pompeii have discovered a street of houses with intact balconies that were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD.

The Italian region of Emilia-Romagna is named as the best place to visit in Europe in 2018 by Lonely Planet
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