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Food in the style of the ancient Romans will be served up for the first time to visitors at the Pompeii archaeological site on Saturday, November 5, in an initiative by Coldiretti farmers' association to link Italy's history to its culinary heritage.

Lonely Planet's 2017 Best in Travel guide has listed Pistoia as seventh top destination among cities after Bordeaux, Cape Town and Los Angeles. The Tuscan city has been named Italian Capital of Culture for next year.

Italian actor Gigi Proietti is celebrating his 76th birthday on Wednesday with his family in Rome, and has a 'top secret' TV special in the works with for the coming year.

Art historian Romano Cordella, author of 'Norcia and its territory', told ANSA that Norcia has lost "part of its past" as he detailed the long list of priceless cultural history that was lost in Sunday's 6.5-magnitude earthquake.

The earthquakes that took place between October 26 and 30 warped 600 square kilometres of territory in central Italy, according to the initial analysis of the data from radar satellite Sentinel 1 of the European Copernicus programme, sources said Wednesday. The data was analysed by the National Institute for Geophysics and Vulcanology (INGV) and by Italy's Electromagnetic Institute (IREA).

The dark days and rainy nights so common to the Pacific Northwest in November are tailor-made for movie-going. Seattle’s popular Italian film festival, Cinema Italian Style, could not come at a better time.

There are now more Italian citizens living abroad than foreigners living in Italy, according to a 2016 study conducted by IDOS Study and Research Centre/Statistical Dossier on Immigration presented on Thursday.

Fake council workers are calling on quake-damaged homes in Assisi asking to inspect the damage but instead robbing the premises, Assisi Mayor Stefania Proietti said Monday.

Earthquake aftershocks gave central Italy no respite on Tuesday, haunting a region where thousands of people were left homeless and frightened by a massive weekend tremor that razed centuries-old towns.

To be inaugurated Saturday- Italian starchitect Massimiliano Fukas on Tuesday presented his long-awaited 'Nuvola' (Cloud) building in the southern Fascist-era EUR district of Rome.
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