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An English-speaking homeless woman found wandering the streets of Rome has sparked an international probe to uncover her identity.

Police in Salerno, southwestern Italy, have made a series of arrests for criminal conspiracy related to migrant-trafficking, according to a statement on Wednesday morning.

A 10-year-old girl has donated her pocket money to Italy's earthquake recovery efforts, prompting an outpouring of praise and gratitude online.

Restoration work on Renaissance painter Piero della Francesca's 'Resurrection', a fresco in the civic museum of the Tuscan town of Sansepolcro where the painter was born, has revealed that the painting was originally created elsewhere and moved to its current location.

The small equestrian statue 'Horse and Rider' that will go on display at Milan's Istitut Francais from November 25 through December 23 is a bronze copy whose beeswax original is attributed to Leonardo Da Vinci, but not all experts agree on the original's provenance.

A group of 10 hotels in the hilltop town of Assisi in central Italy’s Umbria region is offering a free stay to any couple who gets pregnant during their stay at the hotel, The Local reports.

Mill Creek Residential recently began construction and redevelopment of the former Italian Embassy at 2700 16th St. NW in Washington, which will be converted into 134 apartment units.

During a visit to Casale Sorbello, the vacation home in Italy of Max Weinberg, the drummer for Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band, and his wife, Rebecca, the question arises: How does a rock star live?

Only about one-quarter of the 43,000 inhabitants of Alghero speak Catalan as a main language, according to local officials. It is hardly spoken among younger people and barely taught in schools. Nearly a century ago, almost everyone spoke Catalan, according to a census conducted in 1921.

Italy's top chef and over 80 other celebrities including tenor Andrea Bocelli and Oscar-winning director Paolo Sorrentino backed PM Matteo Renzi's constitutional reform bid on Sunday.
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