Go for the Gold, in Italy

Go for the Gold, in Italy

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CONI Trophy 2017 is a summer Olympics styled youth competition organized by the Italian National Olympic Committee’s Regional and local offices and all major sports federation of Italy to be held next September 21st through 24th in Senigallia, a seaside town in Italy’s east coast (province of Ancona, Marche region.) A few thousand Italian boys and girls from all over Italy will participate as they have in the event’s prior 3 editions. This program is not only a sport competition but also a cultural event and it is a unique and unforgettable experience for the participants!

The USA Delegation is one of six others invited from each of the six countries where CONI has representation: Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Canada, Switzerland and the USA. Each Delegation will be composed of up to 11 members: up to 8 athletes (from different sports,) two coaches/chaperones and one head of Delegation. This would be the first time that a Delegation from the USA participates in the Coni Trophy event.

This invitation is extended for participation in the sports of golf, target shooting, fencing, archery or tennis. Athletes need not be ranked but skills level must be good and it is a consideration for selection. Interviews with prospective participants is mandatory. Final decision on selection is the sole responsibility of Coni’s Representative in the USA after recommendations from coaches in the specific sports.

Dates, costs, special program in Rome

Departure from the U.S. is planned for Tuesday, September 19th, for arrival Wednesday, September 20 in Rome. Then proceed by passenger van to Senigallia. Departure from Senigallia is Monday 25, for a 2-day visit in Rome. Departure from Rome is Wednesday, September 27th. In Rome athletes will tour the city and meet senior Coni officials.

Selected athletes must cover the cost of their airfare (non-stop, NYC-Rome R/T). CONI USA will cover costs of ground transportation from Rome to Senigallia. The Coni USA Delegation will travel as a single group on same dates and itinerary. While in Senigallia (from the 21st to the 24th), the CONI USA Delegation members will be guests of local organizers, enjoying free hospitality, lodging and transportation to and from scheduled events. The cost of lodging in Rome, in B&B, is the responsibility of the athletes. Coni USA will cover cost of food and local transportation in and around Rome.

Due to the individual nature of these sports, athletes must provide their own equipment and ”special” uniforms where necessary. They also must cover cost of Official Delegation Uniform (two jerseys, one pair of slacks, one pair of short pants.)

Family members and friends are welcome but need to make their own travel arrangements. Coni Usa will help whenever possible.

School days.

Some athletes may need permission from their school to be absent on school days of the trip. There is ample opportunities for the athletes to do homework while in Italy and our chaperones-coaches will prompt them if necessary (athletes have done so in the past for other Coni events in Italy and it worked great.)

To participate please request an application form by calling the Coni Representative in the US: Cav. Uff. Mico Delianova Licastro, 1-631-566-0257 or e-mail him at: licastro.coni.usa@verizon.net


Following are links to web sites that contain information on the Coni Trophy games to give you a feel for the event! There is plenty more on the internet under Trofeo Coni.

TROFEO 2017 on Coni’s web site (in Italian):  >>>

Additional information on >>>

This invitation to participate in CONI, TROPHY 2017 is for U.S. boys and girls 11 through 14 years old (born 2003-2007) who are of Italian descent  from at least one out of four great grandparents!

CONI stands for Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano- (the Italian National Olympic Committee)



