You chose: fancy food

You chose: fancy food

  • Mantuan Mostarda, a delicious ancient product, born in the Renaissance court of the Gonzaga, is now having a revival, not only in Italy but across the globe. From the United States to Australia: living proof that the strength of the Italian food industry often lies in its prime niche products, always unique and irreplicable.
  • Alla ricerca della mostarda mantovana, nata nella corte rinascimentale dei Gonzaga. Un delizioso prodotto antico riscoperto, non solo in Italia ma in tutto il mondo. E dagli Stati Uniti all’Australia dimostra come la forza dell’agroalimentare italiana spesso sia proprio nelle sue eccellenze di nicchia, uniche ed irreplicabili.
  • L’azienda agricola e caseificio Quattro Portoni di Cologno al Serio, 15 chilometri da Bergamo, è un’azienda di famiglia nel vero senso del termine. Infatti, a rappresentarla al Fancy Food, importantissima fiera agroalimentare che si svolge tutti gli anni nell’immenso Javits center di New York, non c’è solo Bruno Gritti, fondatore e titolare della ditta insieme a suo fratello Alfio, ma anche sua moglie e le sue due giovani figlie. Ed è proprio una di loro, Roberta, a raccontarci con passione i la loro storia. E ovviamente il futuro... La bufala non era molto conosciuta al nord, tendenzialmente sono animali tipici del sud Italia... una grande scommessa per il nord e la vincono
  • Cornetti
    Facts & Stories
    Giada Gramanzini(July 10, 2018)
    Among the companies present at the Summer Fancy Food 2018 in New York, Forno d'Asolo and La Donatella, who have been working together since 2016, satisfied the most refined palates with a wide selection of Italian Cornetti, Tiramisù and much more
  • Dining in & out
    Giada Gramanzini(June 21, 2018)
    In conjunction with Summer Fancy Food, the non-profit cultural association I Love Italian Food will be back in the Big Apple on June 30 for the launching of its new international project "100per100 Italian". During their event, in the exclusive setting of Scavolini Soho Gallery in New York, "100per100 Italian awards" will be given to some of the most important Italian companies
  • Presented by the fascinating Manuela Rana, a Molfettese transplanted from time in the Big Apple, the Casillo Award for the Mediterranean Diet is seeking to establish a strong identity of the Group with the values of the Mediterranean Diet, where flour is of course the most important component.
  • Italy is the main protagonist of the 2015 edition of Summer Fancy Food, the largest marketplace devoted exclusively to specialty foods and beverages in North America. For the first time in the 61 years of show history, the organizers, Specialty Food Association, a not-for-profit trade association based in New York for food artisans, importers and entrepreneurs, have elected a partner country as well as the sponsor of the great event.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    I.T.C.(June 25, 2014)
    Italy is THE great protagonist of this year’s Summer show! 350 exhibitors and almost 30,000 square feet of display area at the Javits Center in New York City, host of the largest and most important food and beverage show in North America and one from the top five such events around the world, that opens on June 29 and closes on July 1.
  • Sardinia was represented at this year’s Fancy Food Show by 10 companies offering unique, high quality products. Accompanying industry representatives was Mariano Contu, commissioner of agriculture and agricultural-farming reform for the region of Sardinia, who we interviewed.
