You chose: bellocchio

You chose: bellocchio

  • Il film sulla storia del primo grande pentito di mafia. Tommaso Buscetta, l'uomo che cambio' i rapporti tra Stato e criminalità organizzata interpretato da Pierfrancesco Favino. "Il Traditore", venduto in oltre 24 paesi nel mondo, tra cui gli Stati Uniti, è una storia di crimine e tradimento su un uomo che è stato capace di lasciare la mafia, ma che ha vissuto il resto della sua vita da esule con la paranoia di venir ucciso, perché la mafia non dimentica.
  • Four Are the Italian Films in Competition at Venezia. Rumors were confirmed that 'Sangue del mio sangue' by Marco Bellocchio, 'A bigger splash' by Luca Guadagnino, 'L'attesa' by newcomer Piero Messina and 'Per amor vostro' by Giuseppe Gaudino have been selected
  • The celebrated Italian filmmaker proceeds with his retelling of Eluana Englaro's story, a story of life and death that nearly divided Italy. Despite the lack of public funding and incessant controversies, production started in Udine with Toni Servillo, Alba Rohrwacher, Michele Riondino and Piergiorgio Bellocchio.
  • Last week in Rome, a Chinese shop owner named Zhou Zeng, his wife Lia and baby daughter, Joy, six months old, were leaving their store when two men whose faces were hidden by motorscooter helmets held a gun at them and demanded the take. The wife, who speaks little Italian, instinctively gripped her handbag tighter; the husband shouted. One of the two masked gunman responded by shooting to kill. Both baby and husband were killed.