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You chose: usa

  • Facts & Stories
    L. A.(January 11, 2020)
    Following the success of last year’s events in Piano di Sorrento and Milan, the "Italian Export Forum" makes its way to the US. It’s the first encounter taking place outside of Italy and the choice of New York, a central reference point for Italian export, is not accidental. The Italian Export Forum aims at bringing together the main players, both from the business and the institutional worlds, and discuss how create a unified and coherent system for Italy's exports and maximize competitiveness. The event will present analyses, exchanges, and discussions and is the ideal context for all the stakeholders in the Italian export business to obtain a cohesive and comprehensive picture of what Italy can offer to the world. Brief interviews with all the key players of this American edition will be released over the next few days.
  • Ann Thomas Wilkins e David G. Wilkins alla Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò
    Che cos’è la libertà? E come questo concetto, tanto decantato dalle poesie, canzonette, statue della libertà e quadri del XIX secolo ha contraddistinto quest'epoca? A questa e ad altre domande ci hanno risposto alla Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò i due professori americani Ann Thomas Wilkins e David G. Wilkins. Curatori insieme all’Opera di Santa Croce, della mostra “Sisters in Liberty”, presente dal 18 ottobre all’Ellis Island of Museum di New York.
  • Statua della Libertà
    Mario Setta(October 22, 2018)
    Chissà se, parafrasando il titolo di un libro di Benedetto Croce che si riferiva ai cristiani, si può ancora condividere l’affermazione: “non possiamo non dirci americani”.
  • Donald Trump speaking at a campaign rally
    Donald Trump’s electoral victory created much clamor in Italy as elsewhere. Two subjects seem to be particularly relevant to the Italian public opinion as reflected by the country’s major media outlets: the populist revolt against the establishment and the disconnection of pundits and opinion makers from the true feelings of “the ordinary people.” A cursory look at these first reactions shows both the differences and some striking similarities between the US and Italian political debates.
  • On June 1st, New York will celebrate the first edition of The Italian Brand Ambassador 2014. The ceremony will take place at 7pm at the Highline Ballroom of New York. “It’s the first time in the world that a non-Italian will be awarded as the Ambassador of the Made in Italy,” said the Director of the ICE USA Pier Paolo Celeste.
  • Life & People
    Giulia Madron(February 02, 2014)
    Giorgia Brugnoli is a talented fine artist and graphic designer who came to New York following the love of her life: art and design.
