Find Italian Culture and Lifestyle at NYC Book Expo America Fair
What if you could explore the culture, the art, the history and the lifestyle of one of the most beautiful countries in the world, Italy? Now it will be possible thanks to a delegation organized by ICE (the Italian Trade Promotion Agency), which will set up an exhibit of the very best Italian books, narratives and stories. The Book Expo America Fair will take place at the Javits Center in New York from Thursday May 29 until Saturday May 31 2014.
This is one of the most awaited and prestigious events for the publishing world in the US, visitors will have an amazing opportunity to come into contact with the most famous and internationally renowed Italian publishers and operators from all over the world, particularly from North and South Americas and Asia. Most of all they will have the possibility of establishing new contacts, determining new collaborations and negotiating sales.
Moreover, in collaboration with AIE (Italian Publishers Association), ICE is setting up an entire Italian pavilion of more than 100 square meters in which t 15 publishing houses, literary agencies and other delegates of domestic trade fairs will make their presence.
Thanks to this initiative, attendees will have the chance to experience Italy from a completly different perspective. Precisely, explore it through the pages of numerous books from a country whose enormous cultural and artistic heritage makes special. Visitors will get a glimpse into the excellences Italy has to offer in terms of art, lifestyle, literature, traditions and much more.
For Italy, this represents a unique way to promote itself abroad. Especially when it comes to the publishing sector, which is facing new challenges daily, because of the increasing popularity of the digital products available on the market like, such as e-books.
The Book Expo America Fair will also offer new formulas for promoting literature and expanding its market in order to respond to the new demands of the increased amount of international customer, who oscillate between actual bookshops and online stores.
The United States are a strategical market for the distribution and the promotion of Italian publishing products especially now that the interest and the curiosity towards Italy and its culture is constantly increasing. Let's not forget also, that Italian is the most studied language in the US after Spanish and Chinese thanks to various initiatives promoted by schools, universities and the Italian Cultural Institutes present in the US territory.
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