You chose: shoah

You chose: shoah

  • According to Peter Stastny, director of the documentary "Redemption Blues," redemption “is reaching out for something that you cannot reach, but at least you make the effort,” while music, in particular playing with other Jewish musicians in New York, is that personal “place where you can move forward in a Jewish way even if you are not religious.” In his movie, presented yesterday at NYU Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimo’, Stastny explores what redemption means for the last survivors of the Holocaust. Often people who belong to the second generation, like him, feel the weight of that tragedy, the Shoah, but might spend their life with parents or relatives who never wanted to talk about what happened, like the director’s mother.
  • Designated by the UN General Assembly in 2005, International Holocaust Remembrance Day Jan. 27 marks the 74th anniversary of the liberation from Nazi concentration camps. Events honoring the Shoah take place throughout Italy, from Palermo to Turin.
  • On Jan. 21, director Valerio Ciriaci’s Iom Romì experienced a successful second-ever screening in front of a packed theater at Lincoln Center. The nearly 30-minute documentary on Rome's Jewish Community, was featured as part of a short film showcase for the 27th Annual New York Jewish Film Festival.
  • The Point of participating in one of the many upcoming events scheduled in New York City. Remembrance Day is not for the victims; they can’t forget. And they certainly don’t need a special anniversary to do so. As the son of an Auschwitz survivor arrested in Florence, I don’t need a special date either.
  • Graziani was notorious as Benito Mussolini's military commander in colonial wars in Ethiopia and Libya where he carried out massacres. Recently in Rome was honoured with a mausoleum and memorial park. January 31 at 6:30 pm (John D. Calandra Italian American Institute - 25 West 43rd Street, 17th fl.) a roundtable - free and open to the public - will discuss Graziani's role under fascism, rehabilitation attempts of Fascist war leaders in Italy and public opposition to this political trend. With Lidia Santarelli (Brown University), Yemane Demissie (New York University). Moderator: Andrea Fiano (journalist and former Chairman of CPL). Respondent: Girma Abebe, Former Counselor, (Ethiopian Delegation to the UN).
  • Facts & Stories
    Letizia Airos(January 25, 2012)
    On the occasion of the Remembrance Day, i-Italy publishes again this interview released on 27th January 2009. An encounter with journalist Andrea Fiano, member of the Board of Directors of the Primo Levi Center (NYC). He is the son of Nedo Fiano, an Auschwitz survivor, and the father of Talia, an Italian American teenager
  • The Rosselli Case
    Events: Reports
    Francesca Crozier-Fitzgerald(February 01, 2011)
    The Primo Levi Center organized an afternoon of commemoration and discussion about the Italian experience during the Holocaust; recognizing those who partook in the Antifascist movement and other Resistance movements. The unprecedented international video-call discussion between Italian intellectuals, historians, and journalists in New York and across the Atlantic was followed by the screening of "The Rosselli Case," a film directed by Stella Savino
