You chose: obama

You chose: obama

  • Facts & Stories
    N. L.(September 26, 2014)
    Despite his pressing calendar, Italy's PM Matteo Renzi found the time to address the Italian community at a presentation held at the Consulate General of Italy that followed a private meeting with New York City's mayor Bill DeBlasio. Introduced by Consul General Natalia Quintavalle, who was accompanied by the Governor of the State of New York, Andrew Cuomo, the premier touched several hot topics in a speech directed specifically to the community.
  • President Barack Obama's brief but busy visit to Rome and to the Vatican resulted in an invitation, backed by President Giorgio Napolitano, to return to Italy for a longer visit in June. The sole sour note came from Beppe Grillo, who shouted that the U.S. president "comes here to hustle his economy and to get himself photographed with the Pope. He's here to sell us his gasoline and because he's worried that we will cut back on buying the F-35s."
  • To honor President Barack Obama’s visit to the eternal city, pastry chef Angelo Bisconti from Campi Salentina (Apulia, near Lecce), will give out 5,000 “pasticciotti Obama,” the chocolate treats he created for his American ‘hero’
  • In the year of the celebrations for the 200th anniversary of Giuseppe Verdi’s birth, the Cameristi della Scala will offer an exclusive program featuring “Fantasie” from Verdi’s operas. The tour will open on October 7th at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), a place not really known for classical music but known for its special relationship with an important Italian multinational oil and gas company: ENI ((National Hydrocarbons Authority). President Barack Obama in a historic visit to the campus, October 23, 2009, went the Eni-MIT Solar Frontiers Research Center and left his signature for MIT students on a piece of equipment in the Organic and Nanostructured Electronics Laboratory.
  • 2013 to be the Year of Italian Culture in the United States, during which America will discover Italy and all its values: culture, arts, sciences, and advanced technologies. The aim of this yearlong journey is to communicate and promote Italy, and to create new, and reinforce the already longstanding bonds uniting Italy and the United States, by engaging Americans in numerous cultural activities taking place in major American cities throughout the year.
  • Whether enthusiasts for Obama or for Romney, countless Italians have been remarking, with open envy, that the U.S. presidential election showed that a clear choice could be made, and was. Here, with national general elections looming within five months or less, all is still opaque.
  • He is only 22, yet he is on the cover of one of the most prestigious magazines in the world. Mario Balotelli, also known as Super Mario, the Manchester City striker, is an irresistible character who had a lot of Italian friends growing up, when he wasn't famous, but once his soccer career took off racism started.
  • Op-Eds
    Fred Gardaphe *(November 05, 2012)
    A good way to alienate people around you is to tell them whom you are voting for. With the polls tighter than ever, the odds are you are close to people who are not voting the same way you are ...
  • NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim October 8, 2012, 2as Columbus Day. I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities. I also direct that the flag of the United States be displayed on all public buildings on the appointed day in honor of our diverse history and all who have contributed to shaping this Nation.
