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  • Fatti e Storie
    Valeria Di Giuliano(May 04, 2017)
    Lunedì 1 maggio ha inaugurato al Cherry Lane Theater la quinta edizione del Festival "In Scena!". La serata è stata dedicata ai novant'anni del drammaturgo di origini aquilane Mario Fratti. Abbiamo chiesto ad alcuni dei suoi amici e collaboratori di condividere con noi un ricordo o un aneddoto legati al drammaturgo.
  • In Scena! Italian Theater Festival NY, the first Italian theater festival that takes place in the city's five boroughs, is having its first Winter edition. Indeed the international theater festival, launched by Kairos Italy Theater and Kit Italia, that takes place at the beginning of the summer, is adding the dates February 4-7 to its calendar. They are re-presenting two shows that were featured in past editions: “Niuiòrc Niuiòrc” and “L’Italia s’è desta” at hte Bernie Wohl Center at Goddard Riverside.