You chose: borsellino

You chose: borsellino

  • Facts & Stories
    Judith Harris(July 30, 2012)
    To this day the full story of the murders of Falcone and Borsellino twenty years ago, while clearly a direct result of their anti-Mafia prosecutions, remains an enigma shrouded in mystery. And yet a revival of debate over the events of two decades ago began with a formal inquiry into whether or not a secret deal had been struck in 1992 between state authorities and Mafia bosses.
  • The twentieth anniversary on May 23 of the murder in Sicily of Judge Giovanni Falcone, heroic magistrate behind Palermo's famous "maxi-trial" of Mafia generals and simple soldiers, is being marked in both Italy and in the United States.
  • Art & Culture
    Luca Delbello(January 19, 2012)
    A new book collects several essays, coming from the Italian and the Italian American academic world, in order for a greater understanding of the mafia phenomenon as seen through the eyes of cinema and literature
  • Italian and American law enforcement officials, activists and lawyers brought home the reality of antimafia activities in Italy and in America at a recent conference at John Jay College in Manhattan. The occasion, celebrating the life of Joe Petrosino - an Italian emigrant and NYPD lieutenant - and the dedication of a park to him, was a reminder of how much has been done and how much still remains in the ongoing war against the Mafia.