You chose: berlusconi
Political elections in Italy: some confirmations…but many surprising results
“Hanno detto di lui peste e corna, ma poi l’hanno votato tutti.” (They said all they could about him, down to calling him "cornuto", but then they all voted for him.)
Ironically for a system of proportional representation, the election appeared to have eliminated from the scene most of the small parties. Apparently only six parties will take up seats in the House.
Italy faces a serious migraine headache. Experts are already predicting a frustrated and frustrating new legislature with a brief shelf life.
The bottom line is that a simple debate between candidates for public office is something that Italian voters cannot take for granted...
The international edition of Newsweek dedicates the cover of its April 7 issue to the Italian elections. There is a rather frightening photomontage representing a character called “Veltrusconi”...
Is Italy heading towards new elections and maybe, with the possible victory of Mr. Berlusconi, yet another round of government by telemarketing?
Walter Veltroni, future leader of the newborn Italian Democratic Party, courts, politically of course, Veronica Lario, wife of Silvio Berlusconi, the well-known leader of the Center Right alliance