You chose: barack obama

You chose: barack obama

  • Prime Minister Mario Monti's trip to the United States takes him to New York today. He will visit Wall Street, The New York Times, the United Nations Headquarters, and meet the Italian and Italian-American communities. Here is a summary of his activities so far.
  • Facts & Stories
    Francesca Giuliani(May 11, 2011)
    The 2012 Presidential Election is approaching. i-Italy meets Maria Teresa Cometto, one of the co-authors of a book that analyzes the Obama mandate after the massive midterm Democratic defeat
  • Facts & Stories
    Alice Bonvicini(March 28, 2011)
    March 25, 2011 marks the Centennial of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. A day of remembrance and at the same time a day for celebrating the progress that workers have made since then
  • Giorgio Napolitano's visit to the White House on May 25, 2010 strengthened the friendship and mutual sympathy between Barack Obama and our President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano. However the Italian press found just a little space for some analysis and comments by eminent experts of international politics who expressed their opinions about the status of the relationship between United States and Italy during the Obama administration.
  • May 25, 2010. Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, a former Communist leader in his 80s, met Barack Obama the first African-American US President at the White House. Both stated that the meeting was held in the spirit of friendship, a friendship that in Napolitano’s own words “was expressed even in our handshake, in the deep exchange of our gazes”.
  • Readers of i-italy have long been interested in the fortunes of Barack Obama. Here is an unfortunate update (to which a couple of unfortunately Italian Americans have contributed). With black and/or white, ying and/or yang, left and/or right and everyone in between looking at the current President of the United States of America though colored glasses, it is hardly necessary to invoke philosophical metaphors such as Occam's Razor for answering simple questions about race in American society today, or even the late great state of Arizona for that matter.
  • It is difficult to explain why, in reference to the passage of HR3962 "The Affordable Health Care for America Act," so many people who will actually benefit from it protested against it (and continue to do so). Attempts like this one are doomed to failure but I least I can say "I tried." (Ci ho provato)
