The Elected Officials Abroad, 12 Deputies and 6 Senators

The Elected Officials Abroad, 12 Deputies and 6 Senators

Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata (January 15, 2013)
"Your identity, your attachment to Italy, which already manifests itself in various forms and activities, finds its greatest expression through electoral participation for the renewal of the Italian parliament. Seizing this occasion is the best way to make your voices heard adequately and to enrich the public debate and pluralism. Each one of your votes will contribute in this way to Italy’s progress."


My Fellow Compatriots,


We are approaching the elections of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic. The vote is a constitutional right, guaranteed by law, to Italian citizens residing in Italy and abroad. Its exercise, by each of you, is also a civic duty essential for the vitality of our Country’s democracy, and it is valuable in maintaining an active and stable relationship with your motherland.


Your identity, your attachment to Italy, which already manifests itself in various forms and activities, finds its greatest expression through electoral participation for the renewal of the Italian parliament. Seizing this occasion is the best way to make your voices heard adequately and to enrich the public debate and pluralism. Each one of your votes will contribute in this way to Italy’s progress. The elected officials abroad, 12 deputies and 6 senators, in compliance with constitutional prerogatives, help to protect your interests and to act as your representatives for the causes that you care about most among the authorities of government and various national agencies. The elected members of parliament who are abroad also help to reinforce the global projection of Italy, fostering friendly relations and economic and cultural exchanges with the countries of your residence.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with its offices in Rome and abroad, is committed to ensure that you are able to exercise your right to vote. I am particularly aware of that responsibility. I gave instructions to our diplomatic-consular website to provide more ample and complete information on the electoral procedures. There is a date that I would like to emphasize as of now: the prepaid envelopes containing the anonymous envelopes with ballot papers must be submitted to the consular offices no later than 4:00 pm on February 21, 2013. For any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the consular offices or visit www.esteri.it


With my kindest regards,


Giulio Terzi

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

(Translation by Aurora A. Barone)



