You chose: maria teresa cometto

You chose: maria teresa cometto

  • You can be innovative and start a “revolution” even in a small town in Italy: that’s the story told by world known scientist Ilaria Capua last night at the Italian Cultural Institute in New York. It was the kick-off of a new series of conversations called “Outstanding Italian Women in the US”. “We’ll have also women in art, music, food and finance,” said the director of the Institute Giorgio van Straten, introducing the event.
  • Claudio Del Vecchio (center) with Maria Teresa Cometto and IIC Director Giorgio van Straten
    In conversation with Journalist Maria Teresa Cometto at the Italian Cultural Institute of NY on March 23, Italy native Claudio Del Vecchio shares little known facts of his preppy US clothing company and offers some insight into upcoming endeavors.
  • “She must be a very determined person”— that’s how she struck me the moment I met her in September 2011, when she had just taken office here. And, well, the way she has steered the biggest Italian institution in the Big Apple for the last four years, Natalia has lived up to that impression.
  • Op-Eds
    Letizia Airos(January 27, 2016)
    A new issue of our magazine is just about hitting New York City! Why begin with a translation of a medieval poet talking about women and love?
  • Facts & Stories
    Francesca Giuliani(May 11, 2011)
    The 2012 Presidential Election is approaching. i-Italy meets Maria Teresa Cometto, one of the co-authors of a book that analyzes the Obama mandate after the massive midterm Democratic defeat