You chose: vittorio sgarbi

You chose: vittorio sgarbi

  • Regalbuto, Sicily. Historic centre of the town. All photos by Serge Tesker.
    For some time now, the initiative to sell homes for just one euro in order to restore and repopulate abandoned or sparsely inhabited towns has been spreading across Italy and garnering attention worldwide. Canadian photographer Serge Tesker realized a photo series that perfectly captures the nostalgia and beauty of these Italian “borghi”.
  • "Primavera, Concerto in Mi Maggiore (E Major), Dissolvenze-Estro Armonico"; Oil on canvas; Photo credit to Museo Italo Americano
    San Francisco’s Museo Italo Americano presents “Colori tra Cielo e Terra– Colors Between Heaven and Earth: The Four Seasons and other Vivaldian Inspirations” by Angela Sepe Novara. This exhibit opens May, 10 and will end September, 2.
  • The day after it was damaged by drunken Dutch soccer hooligans the Bernini fountain called La Barcaccia – the big boat -- was, like the surrounding Piazza di Spagna itself, spotlessly clean, and a silent, meditative crowd stood behind the new barriers surrounding the fountain, watching the beginning of a restoration. The damaged fountain raises questions about how best to protect Italy’s wealth of monuments. There is no easy answer.
  • The day after it was damaged by drunken Dutch soccer hooligans the Bernini fountain called La Barcaccia – the big boat -- was, like the surrounding Piazza di Spagna itself, spotlessly clean, and a silent, meditative crowd stood behind the new barriers surrounding the fountain, watching the beginning of a restoration. The damaged fountain raises questions about how best to protect Italy’s wealth of monuments. There is no easy answer.
  • Facts & Stories
    FROM ITALY(October 20, 2007)
    A man threw paint into the waters of Rome 's famous Trevi Fountain, that within minutes turned blood red. The act seems to be inspired by the Futurists of the early 1900's...