Presented by Kairos Italy Theater (KIT), the preeminent Italian theater company in New York, for the third consecutive year, In Scena!, the Italian Theater Festival in New York is about to start (May 4 – 20). In Scena! will bring 8 shows to be performed, in English, Italian, and in different Italian dialects, in over two full weeks. The festivla opens on May 4th at Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimo' with a double-bill: Homage to Pasolini and Viola di Mare.
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Mario Fratti's comedy that was the prototype to the award winning musical Nine, is playing at the Theater for the New City. The play was inspired by his personal acquaintance with Federico Fellini, whom he covered closely as a journalist in the 1950s.
The WorldWideLab is a truly international collective, with members who are creating dynamic, diverse and engaging work in every corner of the globe. Twelve theater directors, including one from Italy, Laura Caparrotti, are proving that through theater, borders can become inconsequential.
An Inter(e)view with playwright and actor Frank Ingrasciotta