New York vede la sua prima maratona italiana al Central Park quest'anno, ma tutto il mondo ha un appuntamento sportivo annuale diventato ormai una piacevole tradizione. Il Presidente del CONI, Giovanni Malagò, il Segretario Generale, Carlo Mornati, Il Direttore Generale per gli Italiani all’Estero e le Politiche Migratorie del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, ministro plenipotenziario Luigi Maria Vignali, insieme al Presidente della conferenza dei Presidenti Regionali CONI, Gianfranco Porqueddu, e al Delegato USA del CONI, Mico Licastro, hanno presentato – al Foro Italico la scorsa settimana – la XV Giornata Nazionale dello Sport, che si svolge contemporaneamente il 3 giugno su tutto il territorio Nazionale.
Malagò e Mornati, alla presenza del Presidente della FITRI Luigi Bianchi, hanno premiato Valentina Rosamilia e Nina, due triatlete italo-svizzere che si sono classificate rispettivamente al primo e al terzo posto nella Finale Nazionale dei Campionati di Duathlon svoltisi a Cuneo lo scorso aprile.
La giornata quest’anno incentrata sul tema "Lo sport difende la natura", vicino alle istanze declinate dal CIO attraverso l'Agenda 2020, nella quale la sostenibilità ambientale viene identificata come una delle finalità da perseguire, partendo dalla responsabilità che lo sport ha dal punto di vista educativo e sociale anche nel preservare, tutelare e valorizzare la natura.
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A new, captivating capsule collection that will make everyone happy - both the long time fans of the most famous sportswear brand as well as the most tenacious fashionistas.
More and more scientific studies and research confirm the fundamental importance of physical movement and organized extracurricular sport activities for children since their earliest years of life to help them develop and improve cognitive skills and greater concentration capacity that greatly helps them in the classroom. A symposium to address A symposium to address these issues, titled ”The Fundamental Importance of Free Movement and Organized Extracurricular Sport Ac t i v i t y for the Cogni t i v e Development of the Child: The View From the Field,” will be presented by Coni, the Italian National Olympic Committee USA and the Italian Cultural Institute in Chicago
Soccer has always been considered a “man thing,” until now. Thanks to the MyFantacalcio app everyone, including women, can become real experts.
On July 23rd, AC Milan players presented their new team jersey and got a chance to meet fans at the Adidas Store on Broadway.
A chat with Diana Santi, founder of the Giuseppe Rossi Fan Club NY, created not only to support the champion of the Fiorentina soccer team but also to promote soccer as a bridge unifying different cultures.
May 15, 2014. Ribalta celebrates the end of a league and sends a message to Italy: Soccer is about being together, no matter which team you support.
In order to remember Italian cyclist Gino Bartali, France will host a 3 day festival dedicated to the Italian champion and to all cycling lovers.
Among those attending the symposium organized in honor of Maria Montessori at the Scuola d'Italia Guglielmo Marconi, there was the major of Chiaravalle, her hometown, who introduced the movement “Slow Look”, an organization that encourages people to step back and “gustare lentamente” (slowly taste) the world around them. The event was also attended by the children of the Italian National Olympic Committee, who exemplify today what Dr. Montessori envisioned years ago: that motor activity, and exercise above all, in children can promote well-being and happiness
Once the less followed sport in America, now soccer is all over the news. What are the cultural aspects are behind the choice of a country's favorite sport?