You chose: restoration

You chose: restoration

  • Bologna's Torre degli Asinelli
    The tallest leaning medieval tower in the world welcomes visitors to the city of Bologna. Torre degli Asinelli was built in the 12th century and is part of Bologna's iconic cityscape. After a 3-month renovation project, the tower recently reopened to the public.
  • The outside of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem
    The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem is one of the most important religious locations in the entire world. However, since its completion in the 6th century, the basilica has deteriorated due to political instability and natural corrosion. Hope is not lost as an Italian company specializing in the conservation of artistic and historical heritage, Piacenti S.p.A., is on its way to successfully completing a multi-million dollar restoration of this significant religious site.
  • Just in time for the celebration of Rome’s birthday, April 21, the Temple of Peace (also known as the Forum of Peace) will be restored. Though it is one of Rome’s lesser-known historical structures, hopefully this restoration, unearthing parts of this structure from underground, will draw attention to this part of the Imperial Fora.
  • Op-Eds
    Judith Harris(August 21, 2013)
    Italy's "Culture Crunch" is the gulf between the country's splendid but over-abundant cultural heritage - art, architecture, archaeology, cityscape, landscape - and the terrible difficulty in caring and maintaining such riches. Massimo Bray, Minister of Culture and Tourism, has just appointed a "Commission for the Revision of the Code for the Cultural Heritage and Landscape." Its goal is to harmonize the legal norms affecting the care and feeding of the heritage with the various institutions charged with enacting them. This is an important step, but only a beginning.