Some thoughts on why I chose to remain silent and why I now think it's worth a blog post, thanks to Anthony Tamburri.
You chose: politics
After all the histrionic fuss about how Ian Fisher and The New York Times made Italy look bad (faceva fare una mala figura all'Italia), Italy just did it all by itself (da sola). The Germans have the word Schadenfreude to describe the malicious pleasure one enjoys when they see someone else fail.
Is Italy heading towards new elections and maybe, with the possible victory of Mr. Berlusconi, yet another round of government by telemarketing?
Activist James Groppi (1930-1985) marched with Martin Luther King, Jr. and others in the struggle for freedom.
Why Rudy Giuliani can't rely on co-ethnicity to win. The limits of Machine Politics when it comes to Italian Americans as a potential voting bloc.
Since I can't propose marriage, I will simply propose Nancy Pelosi for President. Seriously though, wouldn't she make a great "first"?
Imagine Michael Moore leading a national protest against the corrupted political class. Beppe Grillo is an unconventional comedian turned to political activism. He has been producing controversial shows for almost 20 years, making people laugh and sigh with his sharp humor.