You chose: pietro grasso

You chose: pietro grasso

  • E’ un’agenda fitta, quella della Commissione Antimafia italiana, in missione negli Stati Uniti, tra Washington e New York. Incontri con la Dea, l’Fbi e l’UNDOC, il Congresso, le Nazioni Unite. Abbiamo intervistato Piero Grasso—ex magistrato ed ex Presidente del Senato, membro della Commissione e sua “memoria storica” per i rapporti tra Stati Uniti e Italia nel campo della lotta alla criminalità organizzata. Parliamo con lui della missione negli USA, della Convenzione di Palermo, del giudice Falcone, di Pizza Connection ma anche di giovani, dell'importanza della partecipazione, del fenomeno "Sardine" - "Legalità, libertà, verità, senso del dovere e dello Stato sono alla base della mia azione anche politica”
  • The agenda of the Italian Antimafia Commission during its mission in the United States - from Washington DC to New York - is a busy one. Meetings with the DEA, the FBI, UNDOC, Congress, and the UN. We interviewed Pietro Grasso - former judge and former President of the Senate, member and 'historical memory' of the commission regarding US-Italy relations in the field of the fight against organized crime. We discuss the mission in the US, the Palermo Convention, Falcone, Pizza Connection, but also young generations and the importance of participation, of the 'Sardine' phenomenon - "Legality, freedom, truth, sense of duty and of state are at the core of my actions, even in politics."
  • Interviste: Pietro Grasso
    Antimafia prosecutor Pietro Grasso visits New York to celebrate the anniversary of Petrosino's death and present his book "Per non morire di Mafia" (As to not be killed by the Mafia), based on an interview with Alberto La Volpe to promote legality
  • "The perverse logic of a political system which appears still uneven and far from genuine democracy, still is a great obstacle to the generous attempts for eradicating the Mafia and its complicity. Even today, like yesterday, the situation needs to be constantly controlled"