You chose: peace

You chose: peace

  • Al Consolato Generale d’Italia sono in mostra i quadri di “The art of living togheter - Exhibition” della Comunità di Sant'Egidio. L'esibizione è stata realizzata da artisti "speciali" coll'intento di sensibilizzare il pubblico ad aiutare i più deboli e chi ne ha bisogno.
  • Italian-born singer-songwriter Erene Mastrangeli–who currently resides in NYC–reflects on the journey that brought her to pursuing music in the US, her experience in the music industry, and her upcoming album Love, Shine.
  • Yet in times like these, when tensions run high, people must search the depths of their hearts for the power to hold high the flag of peace. Never before has it been so important to recall the words of the Lord: “Peace be with you.”
  • Two of the West’s most influential leaders, President Donald Trump and Pope Francis, set aside their differences for a private 30-minute meeting on international affairs and the promotion of peace.
  • On Saturday, May 13th, the Association of Italian American Educators welcomed Guido Dettoni della Grazia–the prolific Italian artist, sculptor, and creator of the “Global Peace Network.” While in New York, the artist held the United States’ first ever “Peace Gathering” at Hofstra University. Participants created their own wax sculptures to both find their own peace and to contribute to the global Peace Network.
  • On Sunday, September 11 at 8.15 am Buglisi Dance Theater will presents for the sixth consecutive year "The Table of Silence Project", a performance ritual for peace on the Josie Robertson Plaza, Lincoln Center, NYC that was live streamed around the world.
  • Op-Eds
    Darrell Fusaro(December 26, 2015)
    A slight modification to the lyrics of this popular Dean Martin Christmas song can free you up for a lifetime of happiness.
