You chose: nutella

You chose: nutella

  • Launched in early November, Ferrero’s new Nutella-filled treats have taken Italy by storm. With a record-breaking 4,2 million packages sold in one month, the cookies are in such high demand that they’re practically flying off the shelves and people have taken to reselling them online and in the streets for up to 11 euros per pack.
  • Facts & Stories
    A. F.(January 17, 2018)
    Italy's brand Ferrero continues expanding aggressively, and has now closed a $2.8-billion deal for Nestle's US confectionary business, becoming the third biggest chocolate producer and confectionery company in the world.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    L. A.(October 08, 2015)
    Keste’ & Don Antonio, Two authentic pizzeria in Manhattan. Roberto and Giorgia Caporuscio with mentor Antonio Starita are out to conquer the US of A.
  • In light of the major backlash caused by her statements during a live interview, French Minister Ségolène Royal publically apologizes for her attack on Nutella, in which she urged people to boycott the Italian product on the –inaccurate – basis of it being harmful for the environment and causing deforestation for the production of palm oil.
  • Facts & Stories
    Natasha Lardera(February 19, 2015)
    “Siamo fieri di te. Grazie Michele." “We are proud of you. Thank you Michele." With these words, Ferrero, Italy's biggest chocolate manufacturer and maker of other delicious confectionery products, pays homage, on its web site, to Michele Ferrero, often described as a real-life Italian Willy Wonka. The octogenarian entrepreneur died at his home in Monte Carlo on Valentine's day
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    M. T.(November 06, 2014)
    Located in Chelsea at 546 Avenue of the Americas, Crave It is the perfect place to taste the most delicious Italian “cappuccino and cornetto” ...and much more. Eat.it, Love.it., Crave.it . Upon entering the shop, your nose picks up the scent of freshly baked cornetti and your eyes bulge at the sight of its beautiful and luminous display cases showcasing a pageantry of pastries
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Marina Melchionda(August 09, 2010)
    “Defining Nutella as a hazelnut and chocolate spread is like saying that Michelangelo’s David is huge block of marble”. We meet with Gigi and Clara Padovani, authors of “Passione Nutella”, a book of Nutella-based recipes in its second edition written in collaboration with highly acclaimed New York chefs and soon to be released both in Italian and English.