You chose: nuclear power

You chose: nuclear power

  • Over half the country is rejoicing this week because a nationwide referendum drew a stunning turnout of over 57% of those eligible to vote, and four pieces of center-right legislation dear to Premier Silvio Berlusconi were overturned. The referendum result made three essential points: first, that democracy is alive and well in Italy; secondly, that the media do not tell the whole story; and, thirdly, that it is time for the nation’s leaders to roll up their sleeves and get to work.
  • Pursuant to the Presidential Decrees dated March 23rd, 2011, four Referendum have been scheduled for June 12th-13 th, 2011. There are two elements that could raise the risks of the quorum not being reached in Italy: one relative to the dates chosen for the referendum, the other relative to the communication of the referendum itself.