You chose: new york times

You chose: new york times

  • In preparation for Consorzio Vasari’s Florence in New York Trade Show that will take place from May 15-17, a press conference was recently held at the Italian Trade Agency to discuss the exciting upcoming schedule.
  • An illustration created by Emiliano Ponzi
    Emiliano Ponzi, Guido Scarabottolo, Lorenzo Mattotti, Franco Matticchio, Olimpia Zagnoli, and Gianluigi Toccafondo are just a few of the major names in illustration that are revolutionizing their profession and reinventing the face of the biggest Italian publishing houses.
  • Prosciutto di Parma DPO
    Did you know that a person from Parma, Italy, is known as a parmigiano in Italian? That gives you an idea of how rich the food culture is in this Northern Italian town, famous around the world for its Parmigiano Reggiano DPO - Prosciutto di Parma DPO - pasta and much more.
  • Two months of intense organizational efforts from i-Italy between Naples and New York, a great collaboration with the Consulate General and the other institutions of Sistema Italia, enthusiastic and generous support from all sectors of the community. These ingredients made for the success of the mayor of Naples Luigi De Magistris’ trip to New York. Street encounters in the Little Italies of Manhattan and the Bronx, conferences in the two major university institutes, meetings with entrepreneurs and tourism agencies – and a great human connection with mayor Bill de Blasio. At the center of it all, an atypical and unexpected Naples, the emblem of an inclusive city, which volunteers alongside New York to jumpstart an international movement towards the globalization of the rights to citizenship – a globalization of humans, not just of capital and merchandize.
  • Facts & Stories
    Gennaro Matino(December 17, 2014)
    “He shall be called Francis.” Never before had a name rung with such clarity in the ears of those awaiting word of the new Pope in Saint Peter’s.
  • The March 2 Economist magazine has Italy on the cover and the headline: "How Beppe Grillo and Silvio Berlusconi threaten the future of Italy and the euro." The charge: "Confronted by the worst recession in their country since the 1930s and the possible implosion of Europe's single currency, the people of Italy have decided to avoid reality." A better way to put it is that some here have failed to grasp reality because reality is complex. A government that can handle the economic crisis, and the social crisis implicit in it, is necessary, but which government?
  • Life & People
    JOSEPH SCIAME*(March 12, 2012)
    An Italian American proposal for the future of Old Lady of Loreto and its statues. How reading a recent New York Times article may stimulate some creative reflections and maybe a call for talented Italian American artists to save part of our cultural patrimony.
