You chose: middle ages

You chose: middle ages

  • Nativity Scenes in Vatican City
    The nativity scene, in Italian called presepe, represents the scene of the birth of Jesus Christ and is one of the main traditional Christmas decorations in Italy. In almost every church and in many homes there is a presepe. It is usually prepared on December 8, the day of the feast of the Immaculate Conception and is displayed for about one month. Many cricitics this year at the crib in the Vatican from Castelli in Abruzzo, with Joseph and Mary and the other characters, in the shape of a torpedo
  • Dining in & out
    Dino Borri(July 12, 2019)
    Butter goes back to the beginning of human history. High in fat, butter should be consumed bearing in mind your daily calorie intake. That said, its fats are precious nutrients that are easily digested and rapidly absorbed, and therefore beneficial for those who lead an active life or play sports and require backup energy. It is particularly good for children, kids, and athletes.
  • The Jubilee Year called by Pope Francis begins in less than six weeks, and, despite tedious delays, the city fathers are forging ahead with their preparations for Rome, from repairing sidewalks to providing first aid centers. A leitmotif is the revival of interest in the Francigena, the centuries-old route pilgrims walked to Rome from North Europe.
  • Inter-ethnic peace-making is the ongoing challenge of today’s global societies—in the U.S., in Italy, and elsewhere. We asked Paul Moses, author of the forthcoming An Unlikely Union: The Love-Hate Story of New York’s Irish and Italians, to explain what he learned by writing this book.