You chose: Mexico

You chose: Mexico

  • Director Ascanio Petrini tells the incredible story of Pasquale Donatone, a cab driver who transported illegal migrants from Mexico into the US and was expelled back to Italy, his country of origin. It’s him the actor who plays himself, a mix between Taxi Driver and Wile E. Coyote. Using reality and “light-heartedness” to incite reflections on migration and the right to citizenship, blurring the line between truth and fiction.
  • Il regista Ascanio Petrini racconta la storia incredibile di Pasquale Donatone, tassista che trasportava migranti illegali dal Messico negli Usa ed espulso in italia, paese d’origine. E’ lui l’attore che interpreta se stesso, tra Taxi Driver e Willy il Coyote. La chiave della realtà e della “leggerezza” per far riflettere su migrazioni e diritto di cittadinanza. E i confini tra vero e finto si confondono.
  • Elena Berriolo performing 'A Book as a Line on the River'. Photo by Sara Pettinella
    This September and October 2017 don't miss the chance to experience the several performances that Italian artist Elena Berriolo will present at the Children's Museum of the Arts in New York. This is a unique opportunity to witness this innovative performer who chose to investigate the world through a fascinating instrument: the sewing machine.
  • US-Mexico border taken from the Mexican side
    As a scholar of Italian Studies with an interest in migration, working at a large Hispanic-designated public university in San Diego, the series of executive orders issued by the new U.S. President last week raised some puzzling questions about their impact in my region and their resonance with past events related to Italy’s emigrant and colonial histories.