You chose: memoir

You chose: memoir

  • IAWA welcomes Maria Giura and Peter Marra to the stage on Jan. 9, 2016 as we begin to celebrate our silver anniversary in 2016. Giura continues to work on her memoir, publishing extracts throughout the literary community while Marra has published more than 200 poems online and in print, has published two poetry collections, two chapbooks and short stories in collections by Three Rooms Press and others.
  • On 2nd Saturday, December 12, IAWA will premiere its first Student Partners Reading featuring recent graduates from New Jersey City University (NJCU): Cassandra Casella, Chloe DeFilippis and Angelica Roman. IAWA plans to make this an ongoing program to foster mentor relationships and encourage young writers to read out loud.
  • On Saturday, Sept. 13, IAWA will welcome two very accomplished authors -- Marie Helene Bertino and Joanna Clapps Herman -- both of whom share a passion for teaching. Bertino is part of the new wave of writers teaching in workshop settings and within the framework of the innovative One Story concept while Herman has been teaching at universities; much of her work reflects her "italianita," which has been an inspiration for her. IAWA readings begin with an open mic followed by features taking the stage.