IAWA Celebrates 25th Anniversary in 2016: Features Maria Giura and Peter Marra, Jan. 9, 2016 @ Cornelia St. Cafe

IAWA Celebrates 25th Anniversary in 2016: Features Maria Giura and Peter Marra, Jan. 9, 2016 @ Cornelia St. Cafe

IAWA . (January 06, 2016)
IAWA welcomes Maria Giura and Peter Marra to the stage on Jan. 9, 2016 as we begin to celebrate our silver anniversary in 2016. Giura continues to work on her memoir, publishing extracts throughout the literary community while Marra has published more than 200 poems online and in print, has published two poetry collections, two chapbooks and short stories in collections by Three Rooms Press and others.

The Italian American Writers Association is celebrating its 25th Anniversary in 2016. Since 1991, IAWA has given voice to writers through its literary series every second Saturday of the months. Readings begin with an Open Mic: IAWA-East is held even months at Sidewalk Café and IAWA-West continues at Cornelia Street Café on odd months. 

An excerpt from Maria Giura’s memoir-in-progress was published in the Paterson Literary Review. Another excerpt won the Penelope Niven Creative Non-Fiction Honorable Mention from the Center for Women Writers at Salem College. Her work has appeared online and in Voices in Italian Americana (VIA). Giura’s work has won awards from the Academy of American Poets and the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Contest. 

Peter Marra’s writings explore alienation, addiction, the functions and misuses of love, the curse of secrets, victimization and assorted obsessions. He has had more than 200 poems published either in print or online in more than 25 journals. His latest work is approximate lovers (downtown materialaktion) published by Bone Orchard  Press. Marra’s e-chapbook Sins of the Go-Go Girls, was published in 2013 by Why Vandalism? Press; and another e-chapbook  peep-o-rama (Hammer and Anvil Books) is available as a Kindle Edition at Amazon. His latest new poetry collection Vanished Faces (a performance of occult infections).

COVER: $9 includes complimentary drink.  
CONTACT: www.corneliastreetcafe.com; or 212-989-9319.
DIRECTIONS: Trains: A, B, C, D, E, F, and M to West 4th St. or 1 to Christopher St.-Sheridan Sq.

Next Readings

Feb. 13: Anna Filomena and Frank Polizzi @Sidewalk Café
March 14: Diane Block and John Hennessy @Cornelia St. Café
April 11: Wendy Galgan and Tony Gloeggler @ Sidewalk Cafe
May 14: Rachel Guido DeVries and Joseph Giordano @Cornelia St. Café

IAWA: iawa.net

Blog: italian american writers café @i-italy.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/italianamericanwritersassociation
Contacts:  www.iawa.net,  www.corneliastreetcafe.com  or  www.sidewalkny.com




