This 1963 historical drama by Mario Monicelli, brimming with humor and honesty, is a respectful and candid ode to the power of the people, and features engaging, naturalistic performances by the likes of Marcello Mastroianni and Renato Salvatori.
It is a docudrama with a slight comedic edge that was “a box office failure and Monicelli blamed himself for it,” Professor Antonio Monda (NYU) said at the screening of the film at Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò.
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The talented and beloved screenwriter Suso Cecchi D'Amico remembered at the Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò. A documentary, a round table and a screening of Big Deal On Madonna Street, one of Mario Monicelli's masterpieces. Also announced - by Antonio Monda and Davide Azzolini - an event in January during the visit of the Cardinal of Naples Crescenzio Sepe in New York: Casa Italiana will host a conversation between the Cardinal and John Turturro about the representation of Naples in films. Stay tuned