You chose: mario draghi

You chose: mario draghi

  • No TAP Commitee
    The clash between Italy's Minister for the economy and finance Giovanni Tria and the top political players overshadows all other arguments within the government. On the agenda are in-house quarrels over dropping the euro and the amount of monthly pensions, and going forward with the gas pipeline from Azerbaijan.
  • President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi
    For Forbes magazine, Mario Draghi, 69, president of the European Central Bank, ranks number 11 among the world's most powerful people. Speaking in Brussels this week, the man nicknamed "Super Mario" offered recipes for the EU -- and for Italy.
  • "Open your shutters and look us in the face!" is what a mournful group of widows of debt-related suicide victims shouted last Saturday in Bologna during a demonstration in front of the local tax office. The number of debt-related suicides in Italy is dramatically increasing: an analysis of the phenomenon and of its causes