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  • Photo Credit. Sara Pettinella
    After last year's success, Italian singer Mafalda Minnozzi and American guitarist Paul Ricci are back with a new U.S. Winter Tour and a new album - Cool Romantics. On Feb. 8th they will perform at Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò to commemorate 'Fat Thursday' in the week of the Carnival festivities.
  • The famous Italian songwriter and musician just left for a tour that will reach beyond Italy and Europe. For the first time ever, the show will reach the United States. We had the chance to interview him before his concert at the Bataclan in Paris. He told us about the tour, his new album, his approaching debut in the US, and the status of contemporary Italian music.
  • Francesco De Gregori in concerto
    Lo storico cantautore e musicista italiano è appena partito per una tournée nei club di ampio respiro che toccherà oltre l'Italia e l'Europa, anche, e per la prima volta assoluta, gli Stati Uniti. Abbiamo avuto occasione di intervistarlo prima del suo concerto al Bataclan di Parigi, e ci ha raccontato della tournée, del nuovo album, del suo prossimo debutto negli US e dello status della musica italiana contemporanea.
  • Umbria Jazz 2017 – Raffaele Casarano, Gaetano Curreri, Giuliano Sangiorgi, Gino Paoli, Vanessa Tagliabue Yorke
    Non poteva che essere affidata alle note virtuose e delicate di Danilo Rea l’apertura del concerto di omaggio a Luigi Tenco sul palco di Umbria Jazz. Un lungo viaggio, con un alternarsi di voci con timbri e grane a volte pastosi, intensi, struggenti, per lasciare spazio a quelli più pop, ma sempre contraddistinti da un unico legame, solo apparentemente distante, tra il jazz e la musica d’autore.
  • Photo by ©Andrea Rotili
    Life & People
    Tommaso Cartia(March 23, 2017)
    Mafalda Minnozzi is a true ambassador of Italian music. Her universal musical language brought her to combine Italian melodies with rhythms from all over the world. In 2015, after a long solo career, both she and New York guitarist Paul Ricci formed the “eMPathia Jazz Duo.” It’s a successful partnership that brought them to perform on some of the world’s most prestigious stages, like the Birland Jazz Club in New York. We met her there where she told us her life’s story.
  • Foto di ©Andrea Rotili
    Fatti e Storie
    Tommaso Cartia(March 16, 2017)
    Mafalda Minnozzi è una vera ambasciatrice della musica italiana. Il suo linguaggio musicale universale la ha portata a fondere la melodia italiana con i ritmi di tutto il mondo. Dopo una lunga carriera solista, nel 2015 la cantante ha formato con il chitarrista newyorchese Paul Ricci, l'"eMPathia Jazz Duo", un’unione di grande successo che li ha portati ad esibirsi sui palchi più prestigiosi. Non ultimo quello del Birdland di New York. Qui l’abbiamo incontrata e ci siamo fatti raccontare la sua storia di vita in musica.
  • The five-evening pop-song competition was a success; it captured an average audience of more than 11.9 million viewers, the best achieved since 2001. High praise for hosts Fabio Fazio and comedian Luciana Littizzetto (despite pre-fest fears they might impinge on the election campaign), the participating singers and special guests who gave a unique touch of quality to an otherwise stale format.
  • The late singer's hometown is busy planning different ways to honor him. The latest proposition involves a life-like statue in the middle of the street where anybody can see him and shake his extended hand.
  • The Italian artist, who sold millions of records worldwide, died in Switzerland during a European concert tour. As his songs are played on the streets of his native Bologna, the nation is in shock. He leaves behind the melody of his greatest successes, songs that have spoken to countless generations.
