You chose: judith harris

You chose: judith harris

  • St. Peter's Basilica
    As Holy Week begins, the city is sunny, buds are bursting from the trees, bringing pilgrims and tourists to jam the streets and to visit St. Peter's Basilica, plus Rome's museums, monuments and two major new exhibitions.
  • Art & Culture
    Judith Harris(March 28, 2012)
    Italian poet Paola Pennecchi and Canadian photographer Allison Harris have joined forces to create an evocative, coffee table-sized book entitled "Traslochi" ("Moving on" in English), and will present it at Galleria Spaziotemporaneo in Milan on Friday, March 30.
  • In the night of March 21, as soon as the House passed the Health Care Reform Bill, we launched a discussion among our readers on Facebook. "Whatever your opinion on the matter," we emphasized, "it shouldn't escape notice that this historic event takes place in large part thanks to the joint effort of the first African-American President and the first Italian-American Woman Speaker of the House." About hundred people participated in the first 24 hours. This is what they had to say
