Can you “cook good and eat well” even if you are not trying to imitate some dinner from some far-off restaurant in Italy? Musings around an interesting article, the politics of “cuisine criticism,” and the strange relationship between Italians and Italian Americans.
You chose: italicity
Piero Bassetti's expansive notion of Italicity not only raises great expectations but also many important questions that must be addressed before its potential can be realized.
Italy-city is a virtual space that transcends formal boundaries and legal barriers. About 200-250 million people of Italic origin can meet here.
The English translation of Italici is the fruit of a fortunate encounter between the Italian/American Digital Project and that side of Piero Bassetti’s multifaceted personality that led to the foundation of “Globus et Locus” 10 years ago...
Italiy-city is a virtual space that transcends formal boundaries and legal barriers. About 200-250 million people of Italic origin can meet here.