You chose: italian food & wine

  • 100per100 Italian Pizza: ex aequo per Ribalta e Sorbillo
    Lo scorso 30 giugno, presso la Scavolini Soho Gallery di New York, l’associazione culturale no profit I Love Italian Food ha dedicato un’intera serata a tutte quelle realtà che si sono distinte recentemente nell’attività di promozione dell'autentica cucina italiana, premiando le migliori in base a sei categorie principali: Espresso, Gelato, Menu, Pizza, Chef e Ristorante.
  • 100per100 Italian Pizza: ex aequo for Ribalta and Sorbillo
    On June 30, the Gala organized by the cultural association I Love Italian Food, hosted by Scavolini Soho Gallery, was dedicated to all those realities which distinguished themselves for promoting only authentic Italian cuisine in New York. The special guests were awarded according to six main categories: Espresso, Gelato, Menu, Pizza, Chef and Restaurant.
  • Italian Pavilion opening ceremony
    From June 30 to July 2, the most important food and drink trade fair in North America took place in New York for its 64th edition. The Italian Pavilion was the undisputed ruler of the event with more than 300 companies. Even its inauguration occurred with the presence a very special guest: Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, President of the Italian Senate.