You chose: genoa

You chose: genoa

  • Dining in & out: From Eataly Magazine
    Eataly Magazine(July 20, 2019)
    Known for its natural beauty, including long stretch of beaches, impressive cliffs plunging into the sea, and magnificent national parks, Liguria is one of the most popular destinations for vacationers
  • Harbors, picturesque cities on the edges of cliffs, beautiful beaches and great cuisine are just some of the characteristics of Liguria, a region to discover. "If you come to Genoa, you can see all the palaces where the merchants and the bankers of the city lived. UNESCO decided that these palaces and the center of the city deserve to be a World Heritage Site,” said Anna Castellano, Council of the Department of Communications and City Promotion of Genoa, at an event organized by the Italian Government Tourist Board in New York
  • After the betting scandal, which troubled the whole soccer system, with some coaches and players already convicted, every team is preparing to restart, hoping to offer an exciting and challenging championship. Who is the favorite for this season? Find it out!
  • Fabrizio de André, the so-called Italian Bob Dylan.
    NYU’s Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò hosted a traveling tribute to de André, an icon of Italian music. The idea was born out of the publication of Ferdinando Molteni’s and Alfonso Amodio’s book titled Controsole. Fabrizio De André e crêuza de mä.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Marina Melchionda(January 16, 2011)
    “This year we have a further reason to celebrate the International Day of Italian Cuisine: the 150th anniversary from the unification of the country. After all, Garibaldi's expedition departed from the ports of Liguria...Perhaps he ate some Pasta al Pesto before leaving”. Facts and stories of one of the most popular sauces worldwide