You chose: archeology

You chose: archeology

  • Italian papyrologist and archaeologist, Rosario Pintaudi, recently gained attention for his work in Egypt with the remains of the ancient city of Antinopolis-- a site laying on the Eastern bank of the Nile river, about 285 km from present-day south of Cairo. Born in the Messina province, and later moving to the city of Florence, Pintaudi is a highly regarded Italian archaeologist, helping historians further discover the ancient Egyptian remains.
  • Op-Eds
    Judith Harris(August 21, 2013)
    Italy's "Culture Crunch" is the gulf between the country's splendid but over-abundant cultural heritage - art, architecture, archaeology, cityscape, landscape - and the terrible difficulty in caring and maintaining such riches. Massimo Bray, Minister of Culture and Tourism, has just appointed a "Commission for the Revision of the Code for the Cultural Heritage and Landscape." Its goal is to harmonize the legal norms affecting the care and feeding of the heritage with the various institutions charged with enacting them. This is an important step, but only a beginning.
  • Facts & Stories
    Judith Harris(February 25, 2009)
    Italy's Culture Minister Sandro Bondi announced that the government will appoint a special commissioner to deal with the country's "archaeological emergency". Looming in the background is privatization of archaeological sites and their exploitation...
  • The little community of slaves laboring at the port at Ancient Ostia, at the mouth of the Tiber River, was desperately poor, but when the eight-year-old boy died, they endowed his tomb with a delicate necklace of tiny seashells and worked beads of bone and imported amber.