Sinatra, a Morality Tale.Joey Skee (May 14, 2008)Expand1Musings on Italian-American masculinity, power, and bullying on the tenth anniversary of Frank Sinatra’s death. Permalink Print Pdf I hated Sinatra growing up. From the same authorJoey SkeeOperation Rescue FlowerpotJoey SkeeWilliamsburg RadicaleJoey SkeeVisiting Italian-American Ranchers in the WestRelated Links: uomo di pazienzapatriarchal powermenmale violencemachojoseph scelsajimmy rosselliitalian-american masculinitygloria salernofrank sinatraemelise aleandricalandra instituteCommentsi-ItalyFacebookGoogle+Select one to show comments and join the conversationAdd new comment
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