Improvvisatore Involontario in New York
Described as "the talk of the italian jazz scene" [Jazzit, december 2006] since its birth in 2004, Improvvisatore Involontario has soon become one of the most innovative and relevant artists' collectives in Europe. Drummer Francesco Cusa along with guitarists Paolo Sorge and Carlo Natoli, founders of the association, have spread their connections worldwide starting from Catania (Sicily): the association counts today more than 20 members hailing from Rome, Milan, Paris, Berlin and New York, where Marco Cappelli (virtuoso guitarist and fellow member) has long established himself among the most active performers in the downtown avantgarde scene. Now, after European tours and gratifying reviews of its members' newest records on the US press, Improvvisatore Involontario lands in NYC to present its orchestra and its latest releases: an amazing week of events with plenty of international guests and hosted by some of the most prestigious venues in town.
Gaia Mattiuzzi, vocals
Antonino Chiaramonte / Anna Troisi, live electronics
Flavio Zanuttini, trumpet
Alberto Popolla, bass clarinet
Gaetano Messina, violin
Tommaso Vespo, piano
Marco Cappelli / Enrico Cassia / Fabrizio Licciardello / Paolo Sorge, electric guitar
Alessandro Salerno, classical guitar
Michele Caramazza / Luca Lo Bianco, electric bass
Antonio Quinci / Andrea Sciacca, drums
Francesco Cusa, drums & Conduction of Naked Musicians
March 6th @ Downtown Music Gallery - 7pm
13 Monroe Street [between Catherine & Market Streets in Chinatown]
New York, NY 10002-7351
Improvvisatore Involontario Acoustic Showcase
Small ensembles with mixed lineups present excerpts from the latest 2010/11 releases of the label.
March 7th @ The Local 269 - 8pm
269 E Houston St - New York, NY 10002
Francesco Cusa, drums
Gaia Mattiuzzi, voice
The Drums&Voice duo presents its debut album "Caribbean Songs"
"a record where ancestral calls, primeval sounds, tribal melodies acquire new life and new meanings thanks to the extraordinary vocal improvisations and inventions of Mattiuzzi and the relentless, polyrhythmic, colourful work dispensed by Cusa."
Vincenzo Ruggero, All About Jazz Italia
March 8th @ White Box - 8pm
329 Broome Street - New York, NY 10002
Tetraktys + Dither
Paolo Sorge / Enrico Cassia / Fabrizio Licciardello / Marco Cappelli / Taylor Levine / David Linaburg / Josh Lopes / James Moore, guitar
Tetraktys will be joined by the NYC based guitar quartet Dither in an unforgettable improvised set for Guitar Octet!
"Together with Giancarlo Mazzù (*), Fabrizio Licciardello and Enrico Cassia, Sorge's quartet winds its way through a jazz program,with some classical and a bit of New York's Downtown vibe thrown in for good measure. Certainly the possibilities are endless with electric guitars."
Mark Corroto, All About Jazz USA
(*) Marco Cappelli will substitute Giancarlo Mazzù in the NYC concerts
March 9th @ Teatro of The Italian Academy, Columbia University - 8pm
1161 Amsterdam Avenue (at 116th) - New York, NY 10027-7005
Naked Musicians
w/ special Guests: Cristina Zavalloni & Mauro Pagani
The vulcanic sicilian label presents its improv/orchestra conducted by Francesco Cusa sparkled by Cristina Zavalloni and Mauro Pagani and introduced with showcases of the label's newest releases
Paolo Sorge / Enrico Cassia / Fabrizio Licciardello / Marco Cappelli, guitar
The electric guitar quartet led by Paolo Sorge - presents its self-titled debut album featuring stunning renditions of works by the likes of Claude Debussy, Fred Frith, Elliott Sharp.
Alessandro Salerno, baritone guitar
Alberto Popolla, bass clarinet
The backbone of the new form-oriented improv quartet featuring Francesco Lo Cascio on vibraphone and Mario Paliano on drums presents its debut album Ragh Potato in an original and evocative duo performance
"These musicians are lastingly immersed in a counterpoint from which they rise from time to time carrying a different role; the main actor is not necessarily the reed - which traditionally is the most common narrator. Instead, every instrument is banded to have a starring role and soon or later be silent, or quietly sustain the musical path of the group. All this is made by means of improvisation. I don't think it is a value itself: improvisation is just a technique. In this case, it's a technique at the service of great music."
Eugenio Colombo
March 12th @ Brecht Forum - 8pm
451 West Street (that's the West Side Highway) between Bank & Bethune Streets - NYC 10014
Naked Musicians meets Elliott Sharp
playing his composition “Flexagons”
w/ Elliott Sharp, guitar & composition
Soni Sfardati
Enrico Cassia, guitar
Antonio Quinci, drums
Introducing their album “Tri Soni”, wich idea [is to depart] from structure, to tear it off, 'sfardarla' with the use of loops that rhythmically degrade with the only aim of creating a pulse and a precarious harmonic ambient, at times with a tematic idea put at the end of the piece, on other occasions leaving room to sudden and unexpected conclusions
"A splendid record, anarchy turned into melody"
Vincenzo Roggero (All About Jazz Italia)
Italian Surf Academy
Marco Cappelli, guitar
Luca Lo Bianco Bass
Francesco Cusa, drums
Introducing the Italian 60's sound when, while trying to imitate the American 50's sound (but no chance to leave spaghetti, mamma and mandolins behind) , turned into the best sound for western, noir and horror B-movies! Here's to you the "baddest" bad Morricone you have ever heard!
March 13th @ Issue Project Room - 5pm
232 3rd Street - Brooklyn, NY 11215-2714
Naked Musicians
Live electronics & visual performance
Anna Troisi, sounding sculptures and live electronics
Antonino Chiaramonte, live electronics and live video processing
Gaia Mattiuzzi, voice
Marco Cappelli, electric guitar
Francesco Cusa, drums
Alberto Popolla, bass clarinet
Electroshop (Concrete sound workshop) arises from an original idea by Antonino Chiaramonte and Anna Troisi, and takes the form of an open working group involving artistic collaborations between composers and performers from around the world. Electroshop is a workshop where the building of the sounding artworks (the "concrete" musical instruments) the programming of original audio signal processing software and the video overlap with the creation of compositions or with electroacoustic improvised performances, achieving a correspondence between the created instruments, the live video and the music. It is in this way that the musical composition conforms to the concept of a "unique work of art". Sound and video are focused on sensorial faculty. The musicians aim is to create a sort of cosy and intimate sound experience.
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