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  • Events: Reports

    The Guardians: Countdown #3


    The Guardians: Hero and Superhero, by architect and designer ANTONIO PIO SARACINO, are new public sculptures that represent two legendary civic heroes. The pair of 13-foot-high statues, one in marble and the other in mirror polished stainless steel, will be positioned at the north and south ends of the public plaza at 1095 Avenue of the Americas at Bryant Park, between 41st and 42nd Streets.

    The Guardians symbolize past and present. The sculptures will remain on view indefinitely, creating a new landmark in the center of Manhattan.

    Sponsored by ENI - a worldwide energy company.

  • xxxxx

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn began Ivan’s bitterly cold and dark day as a forced laborer in a Gulag camp, mine began a bit more leisurely on a brilliantly warm and sunny Tuesday morning in Super-gentrified Park Slope, and there the similarity almost ends. The day before the election, The New York Post used its front page to super-impose Bill De Blasio’s smiling face on the brilliant red flag of the USSR, as it shamelessly continued its Red-Baiting anti-De Blasio as not-so-closeted Communist campaign.


    Bill had attracted quite a number of otherwise rabid "fans" such as Pamela Geller who had earlier, and amazingly, legally vented her spleen by posting her Islamophobic messages on New York City’s subway stations. Now she was threatening to “Stop Red Bill” with ads that featured women in hijab holding a “Muslims for De Blasio” sign and claiming that he will end NYPD counterterrorism surveillance. 

    It had never been easy being Multicultural Bill and his Tale of Two New York Cities. After winning the primary, he was advised to calm the 1%ers, who own all the papers, by finding good things to say about Bloomberg and rich people in general. This has been made even more difficult after Patrick McGeehan wrote in The New York Times: "Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said in an interview published on Saturday that Bill de Blasio, one of the leading candidates to succeed him, had run a “racist” campaign.   By promoting his mixed race family…."As might be expected the New York Post joined the chorus of nattering nabobs of negativism.

    The, compared-to-Bill, really far-left French daily newspaper Liberation (founded by Jean-Paul Sartre) didn’t help matters with “New York: un favori très à gauche pour la mairie. Élection.” Le démocrate De Blasio, qui veut taxer les riches, pourrait remporter le scrutin, le 5 novembre (A far-left favorite for Mayor. The Democrat De Blasio, who will tax the rich could win the vote). Even though none of the New York dailies endorsed him in the primary election because he was too radical for their tastes, all but one (guess which?) more or less endorsed him in the general election with the hope that he was only kidding about being progressive. When according to the polls he was about to become Mayor by a landslide, they starting publishing articles about how he wasn’t really so bad after all. I believe it is the Mayor’s Office that controls who gets press credentials. A half-hearted endorsement was also published in the Staten Island Advance which serves Gotham's "Tea Party Country.":

    "Do we pretend to agree with all of Mr. de Blasio’s policies? No. We think stop-and-frisk on some level can be good policing and has made our city safer. Mr. de Blasio would be wise to seriously evaluate the effectiveness of the program before throwing it out completely. We also disagree with his plan to install an independent inspector general to oversee the Police Department. If Mr. de Blasio cannot trust his police commissioner, he has hired the wrong police commissioner.” As we might have expected, this last counted for little, especially among Italian American voters.

    It was easy getting out the vote in De Blasio Country. About a third of the registered voters in Park Slope had already indicated support for Bill, and those who were still at home Election Day morning, and hadn’t yet gone to polls, reassured me that he “had nothing to worry about.” Only one person slammed the door on me and uttered an obscenity. As per my rigorous training, I apologized and wished her well. It was one of the few houses that didn’t have working intercoms and she had come down from the third floor to answer the door. I don’t blame her. I knew enough not to mention Bill De Blasio’s name as soon as I saw her snarly face. I must admit that a few of my less-than-progressive Park Slope friends to whom I sent my I-Italy “Bill De Blasio: A Progressive Mayor for All New Yorkers” were not impressed with his scant "accomplishments" while serving as Public Advocate. I countered that the only function of the Public Advocates is to prepare oneself to run for higher office, but they still thought I was only doing this to get a no-show job. 

                  It was much worse a few days earlier making phone calls for Bill to Staten Island seniors. Staten Island never was, and never will be, “De Blasio Country.” I got three kinds of responses to the name “De Blasio” during the phone calls.   Silence and a click was the most frequent. Many of the women who answered after I identified myself said things like “I don’t have to tell you anything. It’s my right.” Most women are kind enough not to tell you what they know you don’t want to hear. But the men are different: “Hello, may I speak with Anthony Italian-Sounding-Name?” “Who wants to know?”   “I’m calling for De Blasio ...” “I wouldn’t vote for him in a million years.”   “How about a thousand Anthony?” One woman whispered that she would vote for him but didn’t want her friends, whom I could hear in the background, to know. A day later, Andrea Bernstein on WNYC radio interviewed an alleged “election expert” who predicted that the Island (La Isola) would, for the first time in ages, go for a Democratic Party Mayor. Staten Island money was flowing into his campaign coffers from donors there because of the commanding (75%-25%) lead he had in the citywide polls.

    Both Bill and Joe had marched in the Columbus Day Parade with hardly a concern about the Native American New Yorker voting bloc. The Daily News reported that as to his "humble origins," Lhota described his maternal grandfather, Joseph Tinnaro, as “very Italian,” who grew up in Brooklyn and drove a Checker cab. Tinnaro lived across the street from St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx, where Lhota’s grandmother, Edith Steinberg, worked as a nurse’s aide. De Blasio better fits my own bill for future political candidates of Italian descent and the Italian American Democratic Leadership Council agreed by endorsing him early on: “Bill is very proud of his Italian heritage-- his family is from east of Naples. Bill’s maternal grandmothers and her sisters emigrated to the U.S. from Italy in the early 1900's and started a dress shop in midtown. He has taken his family back to his grandfather’s hometown in Italy - Sant'Agata dei Goti. De Blasio speaks Italian.” But being more of an Italian than Lhota didn’t help very much with Italian American voters. The Italian names of his son Dante and his daughter Chiara seemed also not to generate ethnic solidarity. Luckily, Bill didn’t count on a wave of Italian American votes. His "landslide" citywide victory (74% vs. 24%) in the mayoral election over Joe Lhota did not include La Bella Isola where he lost 42% vs. 53%; in virtually every identifiable Italian American precinct there, and elsewhere in the Grande Mela, it was more like a 80% vs. 20% Lhota landslide.

  • Events: Reports

    The Guardians: Countdown #2

  • Fatti e Storie

    Non lasciate sola Palermo ancora una volta

    Ai Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, per la regia di Piero Li Donni e con le musiche di Marco Betta, si sono svolte le riprese di un video.

    Telecamera fissa per inquadrare i volti, in primo piano, di 13 palermitani. Scandendo delle frasi, tutti hanno ribadito -- tra le altre cose -- che: "Palermo non dimentica la sua storia. Palermo sa che quando si viene lasciati soli, si muore. Palermo s'indigna al pensiero che lo Stato sia incapace di tutelare e garantire la sicurezza di un suo servitore".

    Si sono fatti riprendere, aderendo di buon grado all'iniziativa di ParteciPalermo: Roberto Alajmo, Rita Borsellino, Emilio Corrao, Umberto Di Maggio, Barbara Giangravè, Maria Antonietta La Barbera, Massimiliano Lombardo, Tiziana Martorana, Massimo Messina, Leoluca Orlando, Elena Pistillo. In video anche il fondatore del comitato, Francesco Bertolino e l'autore delle musiche, Marco Betta

  • Events: Reports

    The Guardians: Countdown #1

  • Art & Culture

    Mario Trimarchi. Slow, Furious, and Inspirational

    “Breath on Your Neck.” We’ll start with a necklace to speak of its designer. In his words, the piece is “unexpected like a whimsical thought, asymmetrical like a rainy morning, disorderly like freewheeling dreams.”

    The designer in question is renowned Italian architect and designer Mario Trimarchi. In Italy,  jewelry has often enjoyed the attention of seemingly unrelated fields. And sometimes the results are remarkable.

    The necklace in question is part of the Alessi line entitled La stanza dello Scirocco, or “The Sirocco Room”, which also includes products like table centerpieces, candle holders, fruit bowls and garbage bins.

    So who is Mario Trimarchi? His career is significant, linked to projects for brands like Matsushita, Philips, Serafino Zani, Artemide, and the Deborah Group. He also participated in the Olivetti Design Studio, designing banking terminals and personal computers. Only in recent years has he begun to collaborate with Alessi. And with them, he now carries on his reflections on the geometry, story and meaning of his objects. We meet him following a ‘creative’ and illuminating presentation at the Alessi showroom in Soho.

    We were sorry we hadn’t brought our cameras to film the event, but at least we were able to have a chat with Trimarchi. “I’m a very fortunate architect,” e says, “because I’ve been able to to carry out research. This isn’t easy these days... you have to work for someone, an industry, a business. But you must carve out time for research—it’s the only way anything can happen. Today, the only way to bring about a design is to start from a point of view that is totally different from the norm. We’ve had enough of normal. Everything is too alike, too homogenous.

    I try to do something origin every time I approach a project, whether it’s for a large company or a small one.” But Trimarchi’s research is not an abstract affair—his work has strong ties to reality. Speaking about photography, for example, he says he doesn’t want to show his creations with fake lighting or retouches. “I want real photographs, not fake ones. There was no Photoshop back when I started. I think the world is a richer place with Photoshop, but some people choose not to use it. Photoshop makes everything perfect now. There are no more imperfections, no more errors. Reality is made of errors, it’s rich with errors. We should be rich with our own diversity. I think these years have become much poorer—there is more sameness now. Perfection is being yourself without assimilating to a model. We’re at risk of creating a world where everything is clean, and all the eople are perfect, beautiful.”

    Proud to be Italian, he mentioned his region more than once during his presentation. “My Sicilian side is very important to me. Sicily is a mix.  When you live on an island, you know yourself better and you know other people better, you care for other people. When you’re at the center of the world you don’t see anyone else, when you’re in NYC you don’t think about anyone else.” And he sums himself up in a single slogan of two words and a conjunction: Slow and Furious.

    Very often it’s much better to be slower. To be slow and furious when putting something together is very important. You have to be in contact with my objects to understand them, their history, their story, with an attitude that is slow and furious at the same time.” But why has an architect decided to design jewelry for women? “I’ve been designing objects for women for a long time. For example, I’ve designed quite a few objects for make-up. These objects started with the concept that they had to fit in he hand. Like make-up fits in the hand. I begin with a form to arrive to something useful. But women today lead a frenetic life, so I can’t create calm objects. For example, ‘The Ring is Coming with Me’ has to communicate what a woman does every morning: she looks in the mirror and knows she’s beautiful, but she also knows if she had a little more time she could be even more beautiful.”

    And our curiosity only grows. What comes first for him, object or inspiration? “The object appears at the end, but sometimes it never appears. I started to draw the wind without knowing where it would take me. I did a live drawing of the clouds and built a relationship of past, present and future with them. You have to remember what the cloud looked like five seconds ago, you have to see how it is now and you have to think about how it will look five seconds from now. This is a very interesting and involving exercise. I still don’t know what I’m going to do with my clouds.”                 

  • Diana Bracco: “Portate le vostre famiglie all’Expo 2015 di Milano"

    “La settimana scorsa il Presidente Obama ha annunciato al premier italiano Enrico Letta, che gli Stati Uniti si sono impegnati a partecipare con un grande Padiglione sostenuto da una cordata di sponsor privati”, ha affermato Diana Bracco, Presidente di Expo 2015 e Commissario del Padiglione Italia, in occasione del 38° Anniversary Awards Gala del Niaf che si e' enuto sabato 26 ottobre a Washington e a cui hanno partecipato molti esponenti delle Istituzioni italiane e americane, tra cui il Presidente del Senato Pietro Grasso e il Presidente di Confindustria Giorgio Squinzi. “Una notizia quella degli Stati Uniti importantissima che farà salire a quota 138 i Paesi che hanno già deciso di partecipare all’Expo italiano. Un vero record”.


    Dal 1° maggio alla fine di ottobre del 2015 l’Italia sarà al centro dell’attenzione del mondo,   diventando il vero “place to be”. Con il suo tema, “Nutrire il Pianeta, Energia per la Vita”, l’Expo avvierà, inoltre, un dibattito planetario sui problemi dell’umanità nel terzo millennio: cibo, risorse e sostenibilità. 

    E il Padiglione Italia offrirà ai visitatori di tutto il mondo la magia di un viaggio dentro l’Italia di ieri, di oggi e di domani, coniugando tradizione e innovazione e mettendo in vetrina lo stile di vita italiano famoso nel mondo.

    “Anche per questo”, ha affermato il Presidente, “Vi esorto a venire in Italia nel 2015: portate i vostri figli e nipoti all’Expo affinché possano vedere il nostro Paese in un’occasione irripetibile. Il Padiglione Italia offrirà la magia di un viaggio dentro il Bel Paese di ieri, di oggi e di domani, coniugando tradizione e innovazione e mettendo in vetrina l’Italian lifestyle famoso nel mondo. Per loro sarà un modo di riscoprire le proprie radici e il patrimonio culturale italiano”.
    L’Esposizione Universale, tra l’altro, si sta già dimostrando per l’Italia uno straordinario attrattore di capitali stranieri. Gli investimenti esteri stimati raggiungeranno un miliardo e trecentomila euro, e quelli dei global Partner privati hanno superato i 250 milioni. 

    Tra i Paesi che hanno già aderito, Germania e Svizzera hanno sancito per i loro padiglioni un budget rispettivamente di 48 milioni e 19 milioni di euro. La Russia ha assicurato investimenti per circa 30 milioni di euro, dai Paesi del Golfo ci attendiamo investimenti per più di 150 milioni di euro (tra cui almeno 70-80 dall'Arabia Saudita), l'India ha appena informato che intende investire più di 10 milioni di euro, più del doppio di quanto investito nell'Expo di Shanghai. Dal canto suo, la Repubblica Popolare Cinese sarà presente all’Expo con ben 3 padiglioni: quello istituzionale nazionale, il secondo più grande (dopo quello della Germania) dell’intero sito espositivo, che si estende su 4.600 metri quadrati; quello corporate del colosso immobiliare China Vanke e un terzo che sarà nominato China Enterprise Joint Pavilion. Peraltro, i Paesi che hanno deciso di costruire un proprio Padiglione nazionale sono ben 60, mentre all’Expo di Shanghai erano soltanto 45.

    “Ci aspettiamo circa 20 milioni di visitatori: 13/14 milioni dall’Italia, 3/4 milioni dall’Europa, soprattutto da Spagna, Svizzera, Regno Unito e Francia, e 3 milioni da Paesi extra-europei, di cui almeno un milione di Cinesi”, sottolinea Diana Bracco che poi aggiunge: “L’Esposizione Universale del 2015 è insomma una grande opportunità di rilancio per l’Italia. L’Expo – e il nostro Padiglione in particolare – dovranno essere un potente strumento per restituire fiducia e orgoglio nell’Italia ai cittadini, a cominciare dai più giovani. Dobbiamo ritrovare la fierezza del nostro saper fare”.

    Prima di parlare di Expo 2015 la Presidente aveva anche ringraziato il Niaf per il prestigioso riconoscimento assegnatole per le attività filantropiche della Fondazione Bracco. “Il nostro legame con gli Stati Uniti è fortissimo e di vecchia data,” ha affermato Diana Bracco, che tra l’altro dal 2011 siede – come unica non americana – nel  Trustees’ Council della NGA. “Nell’anno della cultura italiana negli Stati Uniti, perciò non potevamo mancare e così abbiamo deciso di sostenere oltre alla bellissima mostra sul Codice del volo di Leonardo, due concerti dell’Orchestra dell’Accademia della Scala, che si terranno in dicembre a Washington e Chicago, e di creare una Borsa di studio in partnership con NIAF del valore di 100.000 dollari, che sarà assegnata a un giovane ricercatore o ricercatrice statunitense con antenato italiano o a un italiano con residenza in USA”.


    Tra le molte iniziative che in passato sono state sostenute la Bracco negli Stati Uniti spiccano: una mostra nel 2005 al New York Metropolitan Museum su Piero della Francesca; una trionfale tournée della Filarmonica della Scala nel 2007; due grandi esposizioni alla National Gallery of Art di Washington - la prima dedicata ai grandi Maestri del Rinascimento Bellini, Giorgione e Tiziano, e la seconda, realizzata due anni fa in occasione del Centocinquantenario dell’Unità d’Italia, dedicata a Canaletto e ai suoi contemporanei.

  • Events: Reports

    Leonardo da Vinci’s Drawings at the Morgan Library and Museum

    This month brings a colossal surprise for art lovers living in New York. Thanks to La Fondazione “Friends of the Italian Cultural Institute of New York” Foundation, and its collaboration with multiple institutions and sponsors, a one of a kind exhibit will be on view at the Morgan Library starting October 25. The exhibit will include Leonardo da Vinci’s extraordinary Codex on the Flight of Birds, together with one of his most celebrated drawings, Head of a Young Woman, in addition to a selection of other works on paper by the Renaissance artist and his followers, also joined by the Morgan’s Codex Huygens, an important Renaissance manuscript recording da Vinci’s ideas from his lost treatise on painting.

    Da Vinci’s work is a particular synthesis of the many disciplines he undertook: sculpture, painting and architecture. The Renaissance Man used drawing as an instrument for conducting and chronicling scientific investigations and research across different fields of study, always with the same maniacal meticulousness. Drawing was a practice tied closely to his learning process, an inexhaustible approach consisting of research, experimentation, and inventions, which always reflected his mind’s creative meandering. Da Vinci, never satisfied with the results he attained, spent his whole life on a quest for new discoveries. He was a tireless designer, which is intensely demonstrated in the quality of his work. He was able to faithfully reproduce every detail of reality with an unequaled vitality and vibrancy. The drawing techniques he used gave, albeit in monochrome, a sense of color, conveying a feeling of depth and three-dimensionality. From landscapes to anatomy, from war machines to portraits, da Vinci’s drawings can easily be regarded as possessing the same lyricism that characterizes poetry. And now, a joint scientific commission from Biblioteca Reale of Turin and the curators of the Department of Drawings of the Morgan Library and Museum are bringing these masterpieces to New York for the first time. Expect to be in awe: these drawings are more eloquent than words, ones that unshackle the imagination. In short, they are the embodiment of universal beauty.

    The prestigious exhibit will be celebrated with a gala benefit on November 4th: La Notte 2013, held in The Gilbert Court, the museum’s newest wing, recently designed by architect Renzo Piano. During the Gala, four prominent Italian or internationally renowned personalities—whose professional path has been shaped by the riches of Italian heritage and tradition—will receive awards. All proceeds from the Gala will be used to fund grants and awards for young Italian artists and emerging talents, giving each an opportunity to work in New York, as well as for the promotion of cultural initiatives in 2014.

    Benefiting from the funds raised are projects such as the Gotham Prize for Visual Art, which gives Italian artists a chance to hold an exhibition in New York, the Michelangelo Antonioni Prize for Cinema, offering emerging film directors the opportunity to become known by the American public and meet the field’s professionals on this side of the Atlantic, and the Top Young Italian Industrial Designers Prize, established by Riccardo Viale, the director of the Italian Cultural Institute of New York, and curated by the renowned designer Massimo Vignelli, president of La Fondazione.


  • L'altra Italia

    A New York per L’Aquila Capitale Europea della Cultura

    L’AQUILA – Reduce da qualche giorno dal Belgio, dove ha partecipato al congresso degli Abruzzesi nel mondo (CRAM) tenutosi dal 27 al 29 settembre scorso a Charleroi, Bruxelles e Marcinelle, Goffredo Palmerini è ora in procinto di partire per gli Stati Uniti, per una missione che lo impegnerà dal 9 al 17 ottobre. Sarà infatti a New York a guidare la delegazione internazionale dell’ANFE (Associazione Nazionale Famiglie Emigrati) negli eventi del Columbus Day e partecipare il 14 ottobre alla famosa parata sulla Quinta Avenue, la più grande manifestazione dell’orgoglio italiano negli States.

    “Ambasciatore” dell’Aquila, diversi altri appuntamenti sono in agenda per Palmerini, dapprima con un incontro di lavoro presso la redazione di i-Italy (, importante network multimediale diretto da Letizia Airos, una delle più innovative strutture di comunicazione, nei media stampa (con il giornale on line e un mensile cartaceo) e televisione, che raccontano al mondo le eccellenze italiane a New York, dalla letteratura all’arte, dalla musica alla gastronomia, dal teatro alla moda, dal cinema all’italian style. Del giornale on line i–Italy  Palmerini cura la sezione “L’altra Italia”, con articoli su eventi, personaggi e singolarità del Bel Paese.
    In programma, inoltre, c’è la visita all’Università di Princeton, dove incontrerà Sara Teardo, curatrice con Susan Stewart della traduzione inglese del romanzo postumo di Laudomia Bonanni “La rappresaglia” (The Reprisal). All’incontro con la prof. Teardo parteciperà anche il drammaturgo aquilano Mario Fratti, che dal 1963 vive a New York,  in vista della presentazione del romanzo della Bonanni, il 25 aprile 2014, a Casa Zerilli Marimò, sede del dipartimento italiano della New York University, con la partecipazione delle due traduttrici e, dall’Italia, di studiosi dell’Associazione internazionale di Cultura “Laudomia Bonanni”, come di recente anticipato da Gianfranco Giustizieri.  
    Previsti infine un incontro al Calandra Institute della City University of New York e una visita a Casa Zerilli Marimò, oltre ai contatti con esponenti della comunità italiana nella Grande Mela, per illustrare su espresso incarico del Comitato promotore la Candidatura dell’Aquila a Capitale Europea della Cultura 2019 ( Nella lettera inviata a Goffredo Palmerini la Presidente del Comitato, sen. Stefania Pezzopane, tra l’altro scrive: “ (…) A questo proposito, avendo appreso che prossimamente sarai a New York in occasione del Columbus Day, vorrei pregarti di cogliere tale occasione per promuovere, presso le istituzioni e le personalità con cui avrai modo di rapportarti, ogni possibile sostegno alla Candidatura. Sono certa che, in ragione della tua approfondita conoscenza del progetto di Candidatura, della tua lunga esperienza di civico Amministratore e delle tue vaste relazioni con le comunità italiane e con le organizzazioni culturali di tutto il mondo, non vorrai mancare di offrire alla nostra comunità il prezioso servizio che ho pensato di poter proporre alla tua attenzione. Con il mio più fervido ringraziamento, anche da parte del Sindaco Massimo Cialente e del Coordinatore della Candidatura, Errico Centofanti, ti auguro ogni successo per la missione a New York”.
    Proprio dal Congresso del CRAM, svoltosi recentemente in Belgio con i delegati delle comunità abruzzesi di tutto il mondo, con una mozione approvata all’unanimità, è giunto un forte ed appassionato sostegno alla candidatura dell’Aquila a Capitale Europea della Cultura 2019, una scelta che darebbe un poderoso impulso alla ricostruzione della città ferita consentendole, a dieci anni dal terremoto, di mostrare al mondo il ricco patrimonio artistico ed architettonico, i valori ambientali, la singolarità della sua storia, la qualità delle sue produzioni culturali.  

  • Events: Reports

    Identità Golose, Returns to Eataly New York

    The acclaimed International Chef's Forum, Identità Golose, returns to Eataly New York for its 4th U.S. edition. Identità Golose brings together six of Italy’s most notable chefs and New York City’s most celebrated culinary personalities in a three-day workshop –

    “More than just a culinary showcase, IDENTITÀ is an educational event which honors modern day chefs and explores the processes in which they reinvent traditional recipes and classic techniques every day in their places of work. This collaboration fits organically within the culture of Eataly, which is focused on exploration, learning, and discovery.”  says Oscar Farinetti, Founder of Eataly.

    The mission at IDENTITÀ GOLOSE is to share with the world Italy’s rich regional cuisines as it is interpreted in a contemporary context by these great Italian Chefs, who also add their own thoughts and unique experiences.

    OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! And don't forget to discover the great products behind our great Identita Golose Chefs! 

    6 Cooking Seminars
    Six intimate seminars will invite a handful of foodies to experience the work of all-star chefs first hand, and be exposed to the latest culinary techniques and trends that define today’s international culinary world. 

    When: October 4th - October 6th
    Where: La Scuola Grande
    2 All-Star Chef Dinners
    Let our starred team pamper you with the most delicious, innovative food paired with carefully selected wine labels – while enjoying the delightful atmosphere at our Birreria rooftop restaurant.    
    Join Host Mario Batali Friday, October 4th at Birreria 
    Click Here to Register!
    Join Host Lidia Bastianich Saturday, October 5th at Birreria 
    Click Here to Register!

    For more information or to purchase tickets please call 212-539-0204, Ext. 304 (Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm) or visit
