You chose: olocausto

You chose: olocausto

  • Facts & Stories
    Paola Aurisicchio(January 29, 2016)
    Again this year the City has commemorated the Holocaust victims by reading the names of over nine thousand Jews deported from Italy during the Nazi-fascist persecution. The readers were representatives of the Institutions, members of the Italian and Jewish communities, students and New York personalities like John Turturro.
  • Events: Reports
    I. I.(January 08, 2015)
    Giorno della Memoria in New York is a collaborative initiative of the Consulate General of Italy, Centro Primo Levi, the Italian Cultural Institute, NYU Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò, the Italian Academy at Columbia University, CUNY’s John Calandra Italian American Institute and Scuola d’Italia Guglielmo Marconi.