You chose: Valeria Rumori

You chose: Valeria Rumori

  • An exclusive interview with Gina Lollobrigida and the protagonists of ‘Filming on Italy.’ On Feb. 1, the great Italian actress was recognized on the prestigious Walk of Fame. Thanks to the request of Tiziana Rocca and her Agnus Dei, the Hollywood Chambers voted unanimously to honor Lollobrigida. An exceptional event that accompanies the rich program of ‘Filming on Italy,’ a festival created by Rocca in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute in Los Angeles. which this year pays homage to another Italian star, Monica Bellucci.
  • Intervista esclusiva con Gina Lollobrigida ed i responsabili di 'Filming on Italy'. Il 1º febbraio, il prestigioso riconoscimento del Walk of Fame è stato attribuito alla grande attrice italiana. Grazie alla richiesta di Tiziana Rocca e della sua Agnus Dei, la Hollywood Chambers ha votato all’unanimità. Un evento d’eccezione che si affianca al ricco programma di 'Filming on Italy', il festival realizzato da Rocca insieme all'Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Los Angeles, che quest’anno omaggia anche un’altra stella italiana, Monica Bellucci.
  • A scene from Pizza & the Art of Living (Pizza e l’arte di arrangiarsi), by Matteo Troncone
    Every year a different cultural theme is chosen to spotlight the week’s promotion of language; in 2017, it’s cinema. Located in the capital of American cinema, the Italian Cultural Institute in Los Angeles is naturally very actively involved. The Institute’s director, Valeria Rumori tells i-Italy how they are approaching the task.
  • Italian Cultural Institute of Los Angeles
    A large part of my job entails presenting contemporary Italy to Americans already familiar with our prestigious past, explaining that our country isn’t just its glorious Renaissance. Contemporary Italian culture is an integral part of our country that we want to promote “as a system.”. Interview with Director of the Italian Cultural Institute of Los Angeles, Valeria Rumori.