You chose: rosanna

  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Rosanna Di Michele(March 05, 2015)
    Italian spin on the American donuts, although possibly it is the donuts that are an American spin on the Italian Zeppoli, dating far back to the Middle Ages. This fried choux pastry is traditionally prepared on March 19th, St. Joseph Day (la festa di San Giuseppe), also Father's Day in Italy. And Rosanna is ready with her recipe!
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Rosanna Di Michele(February 05, 2015)
    Popular Carnival food in the city of Vasto (Abruzz0), these sweet tasting ravioli get their name because they are prepared according to an ancient traditional Carnival recipe, and are often served during this time of year. Due to their sweet characteristic at times they are also referred to as Ravioli Dolci.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Rosanna Di Michele(July 21, 2014)
    I’m a chef, a caterer, an Italian mom and now a blogger too! I will be sharing here on i-Italy my authentic Italian recipes and my tips to spice up your meals for a flavorful and luscious life…as we Italians do! Ready to try my recipe? Small traditional Italian pasta shells with monkfish and tomatoes...
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Rosanna Di Michele(March 27, 2013)
    There are a lot of different Italian recipes for Easter breads, some are savory and some are sweet. This one is fun. It's made into a shape of a Pupa, Italian for doll and is meant for girls. Boys get the same treat in a shape of a horse.
  • “Love and a great passion for the traditional cuisine of Abruzzo are the main ingredients of my dishes. Taste, quality, traditions and authenticity... in your life.” This is how chef Rosanna introduces herself. She is the spokesperson of a bunch of initiatives brought on by the cultural association “Abruzzo in tavola” (Abruzzi at the table) aiming to promote together its extraordinary cuisine and local food products. You will have the opportunity to meet Rosanna and get to know her homeland in several places scattered around New York in the upcoming month. Stay tuned on i-italy and on her site 
