You chose: queer

You chose: queer

  • "Asking Mario to marry me was the boldest and bravest thing I had ever done, second only my coming out as queer. It felt to me like it was meant to be, just as New York City seemed to be the place that Mario was clearly meant to be." Lisa and Mario met in Italy in 1981. Their love crossed borders of gender and acceptance showing that deep feelings can go beyond conformism. Their story, although personal, tells us a lot about Italy and the US from the 80s to nowadays.
  • He was always better at jump rope and hopscotch than me, and I was better at basketball and stickball, but I didn't know this was a sign that would both break and heal my heart. Excerpt from Annie Lanzillotto's upcoming book: "L Is For Lion: An Italian Bronx Butch Freedom Memoir" SUNY Albany Press, Feb 2013.