You chose: new york city marathon

You chose: new york city marathon

  • Scatta l’ora “x” per l’appuntamento sportivo forse più atteso dell’anno, ritorna la Maratona di New York con la sua 48esima edizione. La manifestazione regalerà sicuramente grandi emozioni ai 50.000 atleti che si presenteranno al via sul Ponte di Verrazzano, pronti per affrontare i durissimi 42 km del tracciato lungo i cinque quartieri della Grande Mela che porteranno al traguardo posto a Central Park. In "bocca al lupo" dal Console Generale Francesco Genuardi in un evento che ha raccolto insieme maratoneti e simpatizzanti
  • Every year the New York City Marathon is an exciting event for more than just New Yorkers. This year’s marathon, held on Sunday November 5th, brought people together from around the world. Honoring Italian runners specifically–3,002 this year #lacaricadei3002–The Consulate General of Italy held a press conference before the marathon on November 2nd for those participating in the 2017 race.
  • The Run with Excellence team presented its project at the Consulate General of Italy in New York with a group of inspiring speakers, many of whom ran in the New York Marathon just days following this reception.
  • The Italian National Olympic Committee in the USA launched its third photo & video contest for Italian youth (age 6-15). The content of the photo or video must represent an "action movement" photographed during a sport or game event, professional or amateur, as a self portrait, or with one or more friends and/or family members.