You chose: italian film festival

You chose: italian film festival

  • Open Roads New Italian Film Festival returns to New York’s Film at Lincoln Center for its 19th edition with a selection of carefully curated recent Italian films offering a glimpse into the world of Italian cinema and some insights into contemporary Italian society.
  • At War For Love, "In Guerra per Amore" directed by Pif
    Presented at the St. Anthony Main Theatre, Minneapolis and St. Paul are hosting its annual Italian Film Festival. This is the 10-year anniversary of the event that screens modern Italian films and documentaries. The Italian Film Festival is hosted by the Film Society of Minneapolis/St. Paul, and is organized by the Italian Cultural Center of Minneapolis/St. Paul.
  • This past week, Italy chose "Non Essere Cattivo" to be their Academy Award candidate to be submitted for the title of Best Foreign Language Film award this upcoming award season. Nine movies in total were up for this particular status in Italy, but ultimately it was decided that this 1990’s set drama was to move forward in the competition.
  • N.I.C.E. New Italian Cinema Events, the Italian film festival directed by Viviana del Bianco and Grazia Santini, is back in the United States for its 23rd N.I.C.E. USA edition. The series of eight new Italian films by debuting directors premiered in New York City at Tribeca Cinemas on November 11th and it will end on the 14th.