You chose: giorno della memoria

You chose: giorno della memoria

  • For a decade, the Consulate general has organized this annual public reading to remember the about 3000 people who were forced to leave Italy often among indifference. We asked people and authorities who attended the commemoration why it is important to remember. “Not to repeat” was the common response. Yet the fear of the “others” and indifference seem still present beyond the rhetoric.
  • January 27th is the Giorno della Memoria, or International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which pays tribute to the victims who tragically lost their lives during the Nazi-Fascist persecution more than 80 years ago.
  • Events: Reports
    I. I.(January 08, 2015)
    Giorno della Memoria in New York is a collaborative initiative of the Consulate General of Italy, Centro Primo Levi, the Italian Cultural Institute, NYU Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò, the Italian Academy at Columbia University, CUNY’s John Calandra Italian American Institute and Scuola d’Italia Guglielmo Marconi.
  • Events: Reports
    Giulia Madron(January 31, 2014)
    On February 4th the Italian Cultural Institute and the Centro Primo Levi of New York will dedicate a full day of events to one of Italy’s greatest Jewish scientists, the Nobel Prize winner Rita Levi Montalcini. Interview with Natalia Indrimi, Director of the Centro Primo Levi and one of the coordinator of this initiative
  • The ignorance of our history has cast some of our “paesani” into the hinterlands of bigotry and prejudice, and thus led them to their coincidental and shameful consequences of non-acceptance of those who are not like us! I can arrive at no other conclusion as I offer up the three incidents below.
  • Interview with Carlo Lizzani, director of "L'oro di Roma" - The Gold of Rome (1961). The movie will be presented in New York on February 3 in occasion of the celebration of Remembrance Day 2010. Find the whole calendar of events dedicated to the Jewish community in Rome below the article
  • Interview with Carlo Lizzani, director of "L'oro di Roma" - The Gold of Rome (1961). The movie will be presented in New York on February 3 in occasion of the celebration of Remembrance Day 2010. Find the whole calendar of events dedicated to the Jewish community in Rome below the article