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  • Aniello Musella, Director of the Italian Trade Commission USA
    The plenary session “USA: La Sfida Lombarda per competere. Le opportunità di sviluppo e di investimento nel mercato statunitense” (USA: the Lombardy Challenge to Compete. Development and Investment opportunities in the US market), hosted on Sept. 27 at the NYC headquarters of the Italian Trade Commission, saw the participation of 16 companies operating in the field of high tech involved in the project “USA: Approccio Integrato all’Internazionalizzazione” (USA: Integrated Approach to Internationalization), founded by the ITC, Confindustria Lombardia, and Regione Lombardia. On a economic/institutional mission to meet their US counterparts and possible business partners, during the event they were given a key overlook of the legal, economic, and financial questions involved in making business or investing in the US market