An Italian Breakfast 'to Save' Madre Cabrini
An Italian breakfast for Madre Cabrini with the reading of a passage from "I promessi Sposi" (The Betrothed), author Alessandro Manzoni, performed by Massimiliano Finazzer Flory. Purpose of the gathering was the announcement of a fundraising, organized by the International Patrons of Duomo di Milano, to support the Duomo's historical and cultural heritage. A crowdfunding with the aim of restoring the spire dedicated to Saint Frances Cabrini and with the intent of preserving the Cathedral for generations to come.
You chose: duomo milano
Events: ReportsEataly showcase its collection of temporarily extracted treasures from the museum of the Duomo in Milan. Included are statues of gargoyles and pinnacles that have decorated the Duomo since the beginning of its construction over six hundred years ago. The exhibit is being held in honor and celebration of Expo Milano 2015, hosted by the Duomo's birth city – Milan, Italy